Saturday, 30 March 2024


 Follow the Lamb

Find His gentle sweet light and follow a path of hope.

Gently nurture your relationship with the lamb. 

Walk apace with Him.

Feel the tenderness, the sweet, open lovingness of the Lamb gently nudging you on your way.

And rejoice in the presence of love with you, comforting, strengthening, guiding, blessing you.


Easter Saturday: the One who will rise


The silence of the tomb, the darkness of the earth.
The broken body.
Tortured to death by the religious leaders.
My wife in bed. Heavy curtains blocking out the glorious Spring afternoon sunshine. She lies in the dark.
Her tears, just now, that she can do so little, her body on fire, paralysed, swollen in agony.
My wife ignored for decades by the Church, yet so extraordinarily close to God.
Easter Saturday.
The One who will rise through love.
Gives me the strength to hold her in love.

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

New video by Greg: The Place Beyond Words


Well done Greg for this moving video, music composed and performed by him, also wonderful expressive drawings that convey emotion so powerfully!

A huge achievement to be shortlisted in an international creative art competition out of so many.people.:

“There are no words to describe caring for someone in agony for more than thirty years. This video was shortlisted out of over 1800 entries for the 2024 Alpine International Arts Prize.”

There are no words, the only answer is love.

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Lord, help me, a poem

Lord help me.

I am continually being battered by sound 

It robs me of all feeling and movement.

I need your help to keep trying to rise above the  tormenting sensations 

And the sheer emptiness of  continuous loss of ability.

It is breaking my heart Lord

That my mind and body are so broken

Yet so invisibly suffering.

Please lift me into your light.

Heal me now Lord.

Help me now Lord

See me now Lord

Save me now.

“Why would you not wish me well?” I ask You, in my bleakest moments?

In truth I know you are always with me

And have suffered profoundly for all of us for all time.

You know my pain intimately.

You are here beside me.

You bless me

And somehow keep me holding on

To life

To love

To hope

As another wave of tortuous paralysis envelops me.

Monday, 25 March 2024

Lord steady me. A prayer.

Today I feel shaky,

Oppressed by a difficult future ahead, 

Filled with fearful thoughts.

Lord steady me.

Lord hold me.

Lord comfort me.

Lord strengthen me in my hours of greatest need.

Lord restore me.


Sunday, 24 March 2024

Follow The Lamb, a new song.


Greg has composed a beautiful piece of music and set it to a prayer, written specially for me as I face a harrowing operation ahead. May it bless each of you that hears it. 

A special prayer for Holy week.

Saturday, 23 March 2024

A Prayer for Palm Sunday

Lord Have mercy

On me now

Lord have Mercy 

On me now

Here I am Lord

Here I am

Here I am lord

Here Ism

Where are you now, 

Where are you now?

Where are you?

I am with you

I am here now

I am with you

Hear me now

Friday, 22 March 2024

Hopeful Outlook

Fill me with your Peace Lord

So that every challenge can be overcome

With minimum stress

And a hopeful outlook.


Tuesday, 19 March 2024

A prayer for sleep

                                    Drawing by Greg

May you find the deepest blessings this night.

May you be visited as you sleep

By the Father,

The Son,

And the Holy Spirit.

May they bring you gifts of healing, 

comfort, peace and restoration.

May you waken refreshed

And renewed in strength,

Touched by the precious and eternal 

Heart of Love.

May your days ahead all be blessed.


Finding yourself in God


                                              Drawing by Greg

‘Seek yourself in me.’

What does this mean? It is something God said to Teresa of Avila. It is not immediately obvious. It needs some delving into to figure out its meaning, which is just what God’s Word requires. There are many layered answers within it no doubt. When you genuinely seek the Spirit brings Truth and that Truth reveals knowledge and that knowledge brings wisdom..

I was always on a quest for many years, since God told me, in my 20’s, that an older woman would show me the way.  Every time an older woman inspired or helped he, I wondered if this was the woman. Now, 44 years later I realise that that older woman was myself. 

I think the answer to the first question, asked of St Teresa is this. You need seek to God in order to find that He is with you and has always been so. You need to find the self that knows God and resides in God-with-you, for God is always with us and therefore we are always in God.

So all you need to do is be still and become aware of your oneness with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you in them and them in you and all one. Then you can know you are always in Him. And you do not need to seek an answer for you know you have found it.

For when you find yourself in God you find that, actually, you are whole and complete in the core of your being and love springs up as a fountain of joy. You can feel and see your own true nature, perfect and beautiful, loving and loved, which was a gift from God all along.

Monday, 18 March 2024

A Well

 I felt broken about 12 years ago and that my faith, my fundamental me, had been destroyed. Yet slowly it has returned so that I could write this poem recently. I hope it touches and reassures anyone else who feels broken.

There is a well inside of me

So deep
It cannot be destroyed.
It holds my integrity.
It bolsters my courage.
It contains all that is beautiful, good and true.
It is me
In my purest sense.
Despite I feel locked away
And out of touch with it
Still it remains
Waiting to be accessed
Needing to be expressed
It is love
At the centre,
Emanating peace
In the depths of my despair.



          I banish all fearful thoughts and imaginings. I choose to flow with Hope today.

Hope lifts my spirits, fills my mind with light, helps me feel more centered in the day ahead.

I need to stay in Hope as events try to batter me and lead me down a fearful path. I call on Hope for clear sight and a fearless mind.

Hope comes to me when all seems difficult and lost. I seek for Hope in my innermost being. There I find it glowing with Truth, filling the future with other possibilities. Hope helps me keep going through moments of struggle and leads me on to brighter pastures. It helps me hold an inner vision of goodness that the world cannot touch or destroy.

It is the guiding star of life.

I give thanks for Hope which blesses my day and keeps me safe from negativity. I reclaim hope once more when fear hides it from me.

I hold myself in Hope - not hope based on worldly things but on the intangible blessing it brings to me.

Sunday, 17 March 2024

St Patrick's Day


St Patrick’s Day, many years ago, I am flying into London, looking down at England, about which I know nothing, wondering what lies ahead.

This morning the daffodils outside are wet with rain. All those years ago, I had literally just stepped off a tropical, surfer's paradise beach the day before. It felt very cold, very old, very strange here.
That night I flew in and gazed down, it might have been over Linda’s house. Who knows?
All I know is that I had no idea what joy and happiness lay ahead. We were meant to be together.
The suffering, the agony, the struggle, is terrible and continues. The isolation appalling. The politics disgusting.
Yet freedom and love, I have learned to my joy, cannot be suppressed.
As Linda writes:
"The bizarre nature of my life continues,
Whilst I cling on to my essential being.
I choose life and all the freedom my spirit is.
There is a unique insight that comes
When literally no plans are possible to make
For No direction is known or knowable.
The future is impossible to predict
Or channel in your own direction.
You are at the mercy of freedom, in it’s truest sense,
You live eternally in the now of the present moment."
Even though it was raining, as I strolled down the garden, first thing this morning , I took great comfort in the daffodils, for we planted them.
And there they are, glistening, soaking wet, alive with irrepressible hope and courage. I took the picture below.
Brave flowers that, if I had not flown into London that Saint Patrick's Day, where I would eventually meet my beloved, might never have been.

Saturday, 16 March 2024

Give Thanks

We give thanks for better moments

In a sea of chaos,

For all the simple things that bring us unexpected pleasure:

A sunny day

The sight of a patch of tiny violets thriving

Light shining golden through a daffodils petals 

The grace of the Red Kite soaring above us

The delightful hello of a Robin Redbreast

An happy thank you for a gift received.

All these things bless our day 

And lift us into a finer light

Bringing a special joy of being

A connectedness with ourselves

With others

And with God.


Friday, 15 March 2024

 Lord please help me

As fear batters away

And diminishes me.

Help me feel strong

And safe

Held in the Heart of Love

Where miracles abound

And Hope resides in plenty.


Thursday, 14 March 2024

Be still


When all around is chaos

And the way ahead unclear

Take time to breathe

And think

Be still and listen

You will feel God near,

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Help us to know


Lord, help us to know 

Which  is the right way

The true way

The radiant way

Filled with your Light

And the hope of new possibility 

And a sure direction

Led by You.


Monday, 11 March 2024

A prayer when feeling lost


When I have lost touch with all that I am

And a tiny voice inside he cries out in fear,

Lord love me more

Help me more

Bless me more

Till I can feel your love surrounding me

To help me find myself again.


Sunday, 10 March 2024

A Prayer for Truth

Dear Lord,

Help me reside in truth

Do not let fear overwhelm me

Or batter me into submission.

Help me always see the true path

Lit by love

Held tenderly in the Heart Of Love

Where all is whole and complete

And love abounds in plenty.


Friday, 8 March 2024

A message of love

 I do not abandon anyone who calls my name.

Open your hearts to feel my presence with you,

No matter how hard your path.

I come to your call.

Open your ears to hear My Word

Open your eyes to see with Spirit.

I am the One who loves

In spite of all the pain.

I am He

And I am here.

Spirit of Comfort


Oh Spirit of comfort 

Grow in me
Touch the hurting places not yet reached
Oh Spirit of comfort 
Strengthen me
Console me in my deepest griefs
Oh Spirit of comfort
Entwine with me
And lift me above the tumult of enduring pain
Oh Spirit of comfort
Ease my hurt
Heal all that is suffering within me
Oh Spirit of comfort
Bless me anew each day
And help me reach out to others
That they too may feel your comfort
And be saved
See less

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Give Us A Clear Vision

Lord, when the way ahead is not clearcut,

And time is pressing,

Give us a clear vision to hold on to.

Help us know that you will remain close

And keep us safe

When fear mounts a believable campaign against us.

Let your light shine brighter still

And lead us safely on.


Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Forgive, a prayer.

Lord, forgive us when we get things wrong.

Help us to say that we are sorry.

Strengthen us in our resolve to always seek the light,

To speak and act with kindness, fairness, compassion to the fore,

Rather than anger, hurt and fear.

Bless each hurt we carry that keeps us stuck in painful moments

And renew us 

with your Peace.


Saturday, 2 March 2024

Living The Holy Way Through Lent:2024

We are collecting all the Lent reflections and prayers for this year into a spiritual document, for easy access, on our Holyway Website. See the above link. We hope they bless you.

Cobweb years.

 A beautiful love song, written by Greg, illustrated very movingly by this wonderful video.

Love has always sustained us through the most difficult of challenges. Gad has always been present in our lives.

New prayer song video: Draw near to us


Here is our new video prayer song which we hope touches your hearts and lifts your spirits. Amen

New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...