Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Finding yourself in God


                                              Drawing by Greg

‘Seek yourself in me.’

What does this mean? It is something God said to Teresa of Avila. It is not immediately obvious. It needs some delving into to figure out its meaning, which is just what God’s Word requires. There are many layered answers within it no doubt. When you genuinely seek the Spirit brings Truth and that Truth reveals knowledge and that knowledge brings wisdom..

I was always on a quest for many years, since God told me, in my 20’s, that an older woman would show me the way.  Every time an older woman inspired or helped he, I wondered if this was the woman. Now, 44 years later I realise that that older woman was myself. 

I think the answer to the first question, asked of St Teresa is this. You need seek to God in order to find that He is with you and has always been so. You need to find the self that knows God and resides in God-with-you, for God is always with us and therefore we are always in God.

So all you need to do is be still and become aware of your oneness with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you in them and them in you and all one. Then you can know you are always in Him. And you do not need to seek an answer for you know you have found it.

For when you find yourself in God you find that, actually, you are whole and complete in the core of your being and love springs up as a fountain of joy. You can feel and see your own true nature, perfect and beautiful, loving and loved, which was a gift from God all along.

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