Thursday, 31 March 2022

Day 10 Fill Us With Hope

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Fill us with hope.

‘ …a saving grace from all three, Father, Son and Holy Spirit…’

How much we need hope. A life without hope is a desperate, oppressive place to be, with little meaning or direction. When things go well, hope flies high, yet when things go badly, hope can disappear amongst the jangling discordant chaos that ensues. This then is the time to seek hope, to hold on to any seed of goodness within or without you that might bless and alter the dismal, bleak and crushing suffering that can destroy it or cover it over so deep it seems lost. 

This then, is where we need God's aid - for when we can find no hope of our own volition and despair looms too large to block out, here then the Lord can save us by filling us with His hope. Hope that brings light, truth, strength, wisdom, comfort, hope that is all powerful, a saving grace from all three, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bringing not only hope but proactive hope carried on the wings of the Spirit to bring change to the most desperate of moments for hope is Love in action, come to unite us with all that is good. 

May it pour out upon us and renew and strengthen us. Amen

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

A prayer of thanks and praise

For all the people who have prayed for me

I give thanks and praise

For every tendril of prayer that has ever wrapped around me,

I give thanks and praise

For every moment’s pain endured and survived

I give thanks and praise

For every difficult struggle I have coped with

I give thanks praise

For every fear banished and diminished,

I give thanks and praise.

For every act of kindness that has blessed me,

May a blessing be given and received in return. 

To those who have helped me bear the unbearable, 

Somehow keeping hope alive,

even if only a tiny flicker of a spark,

I give thanks and praise forever more,


Tuesday, 29 March 2022

When pain is indescribable: a prayer

 When pain is indescribable Lord, 

Hold me

When agony burns so deep there are no words left to describe it, 

Console me

When endless pain is in every part of my being, 

Be with me in power

Hold my hand and Help me Lord.

Give me the strength I need to bear the unbearable.

Give me hope that it will truly diminish.

Give me trust in your power, to banish it.

Give me faith that it will lessen. 

Give me confidence that you are with me through every moment.

Give me love in my whole being, to heal me. 

For all things are possible with you Lord.

Give me the peace beyond all suffering, to help me cope,

May the suffering lift and leave me now.


Monday, 28 March 2022

Day 11 Open Our Hearts with Compassion


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Open our hearts with compassion

‘It is the deepest form of love.’

Compassion is a gift. It comes from the Trinity infilling us with wisdom and sensitive awareness to others. It is the deepest most tender kindness. It touches at soul level engendering a soul response. It is the deepest form of love. It is not focussed on self, nor on our own circumstances, but comes from our highest self. It is all goodness, kindness, gentle knowing of the other and their need for love, assistance, connection, validation and healing. 

It is not based on surface appearance or on seemingly discordant interaction, but is about true intimacy, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, recognition. It flows from God to us and through His Mercy and tender healing, His light within us, flows out to touch the world and those in need with genuine goodness from the heart and soul.

Our hearts are broken open by our own suffering and our own need. May that experience become knowledge and that knowledge become laced with compassion for ourselves and each other. Amen

Day 9 Help Us Bear All Suffering

 Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Help us bear all suffering.

‘God will always help you.….’

True suffering is unrelievable. If there are choices that can save you, look for them and make them, God will always help you. But if not, then throw yourself on God's mercy and His love, immerse yourself in the Heart of Love and there place your awareness, that the suffering you are forced to endure, which may be or become totally intolerable, unbearable, tormenting, tortuous, deeply disturbing, not destroy or despair you. Here you find God's grace, touching you in the formless void of inexpressible agony. For only One who has suffered depths of indescribable, annihilating torment, yet been sustained by love and remained loving still in His heart, can reach out to you and touch you and bless you in that moment that you most need it, whether through the caring of others or through the grain of hope that remains or is found in the depths of emptiness, whether the means to keep going on, in intractable pain, is miraculously present, whether kindness unexpected blesses your life and helps bring much needed comfort and sense of communion, not desperate isolation. This then is what we pray for, to be given strength in utter weakness, to receive light in the darkness of moments, to accept hope in the desert of despair, to be touched with love in the secret, hidden depths within us, that are in desperate  need for comfort, to feel known, seen, heard, cared for in Spirit and in life, to receive multi-layered healing, to find new awareness, possible paths to move forward, to break stuckness, limitation, lostness and feel found in the centre of your being, by God Himself and all who know Him, to cope and still endure the unendurable, for love lives with us. Amen

When need is great


When our need is great

Your response is total.

In You do we trust, oh Lord.


Saturday, 26 March 2022

Day 8 : Comfort us in our need


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Comfort us in our need.

‘ When we ask for comfort, He will give it….’

Our need to remain close to God is absolute in a chaotic, uncertain world. The world throws up confusion, busyness, incessant demands, complexity and stress. Yet if we take time to pray and allow God's love to flood our being, if we call out to the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit; the Heart of Love, we will surely be heard and answered. Our need for love is great. There are many hurts, some small, some huge and potentially overwhelming that wound us at soul level. All need comfort and healing. All need a path of love to keep us safe. When we hurt, we lose focus and awareness. The pain can feel as if it will annihilate us. It can be all consuming. This then is when we truly need comfort, where love can touch us and we can find that love is greater than any pain, even though it must be endured.

God knows our need. He knows all that we suffer, intimately. When we ask for comfort, He will give it, of this we can be certain, though it may not come in expected ways, for God's gifts are vast and His ways are bigger than any we can imagine. His sight all seeing, His mind all knowing and we may not always know how we can be comforted, yet we trust that if we place ourselves in the Heart of Love, the comfort we receive will be mighty!

Friday, 25 March 2022

I offer You my heart


I offer You my heart

Here is my heart. 

I offer it to You, small and battered as it feels. 

I offer it in love and service. 

I wait with head bowed. 

I wait to hear You speak 

and show me how to serve, 

even in the smallest of ways. 

For You have shown me 

that everything counts,

that a smile, 

a kind word, 

a warm touch, 

a simple prayer for another, 

can all bless the world in ways

beyond my limited comprehension 

and are part of Your great plan.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Day 7 Contemplation on the Litany of the Heart of Love: Guide us in the way of Love

 Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Guide us in the Way of Love.

‘ how necessary it is to be true to a path of love ‘

Oh how much we need such guidance! To remain loving, to truly act from love, to be love in a broken world, to feel loved and flow with love ourselves, how beautiful this sounds, how determined to follow, how necessary it is to be true to a path of love, to be a true Christian and yet how hard in practice to sustain at times.

We must seek congruence within and without ourselves in all our thoughts, actions, deeds, motivations. Easy perhaps in brighter moments, the true challenge comes when we are sorely tested, mistreated, maligned, abused, harmed by others, let down and abandoned by friends and betrayed by our enemies. Let us see that this is truly when the loving heart needs most to be aligned with the Heart of Love, that it might not break and be irreparably damaged. This is when we must turn our faces to the cross and seek Christ to come to our aid and show us how to live truly from love. This is when we must call on the Spirit for Wisdom and Discernment, for the Power to overcome evil and to not follow a path away from love, based on our hurting, broken selves. This is when we must ask the Father to tenderly hold us and keep us safe, even through death that will bring us through to new life in God. For we seek not to condemn, not to cruelly punish, not to hurt back, if we truly love and yet we also ask for Justice, Truth : bringing responsibility and accountability to our persecutors and harmers, whether deliberate or through ignorance. 

But we also ask that all painful, hurtful, harmful situations be immersed in love and that we are kept safe ultimately and remain loving in the core of our being, nurtured and safe guarded by the Heart of Love, that we do not fall from grace and find ourselves lost to goodness. 

And so we cling on to God and pray with absolute desire, to be led always towards love and to be continually guided to live a life that is fundamentally unconditionally loving, not just a shallow, conditional, shadow of what is possible with God in our hearts and a true desire to love and serve. Amen

Word of God


You can tell when a word is of God for it fills your heart with joy, purity, truth, beauty. It uplifts, strengthens, imparts wisdom and brings new awareness. It feels and tastes good to the spirit. It is like the perfect note of a bell echoing out for all time. It cannot be unrung. It cannot be unspoken. Its direction is straight.

Jesus Christ is the Word of God. He is whole, complete, beautiful, true. To hear Him is to know Him. To find Him is to be blessed with unchanging Love forevermore. Amen

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Day 6 Contemplation on the Litany of the Heart of Love: Teach us the Word of God


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Teach us the Word of God.

‘ its power and beauty manifest in the world for all time. ’

The Word of God is whole and complete. It needs but be spoken once and its power and beauty manifest in the world for all time. When we tap in to the power of the awesome Word of God, we are totally transformed, for nothing can be quite as it was before. That Word which comes from True knowledge, it is within you and burns in our hearts and our memories and keeps us safe, even if we seem to forget, yet still it remains, indestructible and all powerful, bringing healing and hope even to that which seems broken and unmendable. For it is the force of Life itself returning to the Father; the interrelationship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all one and unbreakable interacting together as the all powerful force of Love, for evermore.

What is a Blessing


What is a blessing if not an unimagined gift, something new, vibrant, alive, special, bringing hope, comfort, joy, strength: a renewing of the day by means of an unexpected moment of goodness that can lift and transfigure your life, change perception, bring new clarity, help to see a different view, give strength of purpose, shine light in a dark tunnel, receive an unexpected present, accept a kind word rightly timed, be touched by a miracle of healing, find a saving from distress, gain help in the bearing of intractable pain?

A blessing has myriad forms and is perfect for the receiver, each individual has their own special need and we can trust that any blessing given by God will be just right for that person, in that moment, in that way. For such is the intimacy of relationship with God and such the span of love and awareness of the Holy Three, that each blessing will be perfect for the one in need. 

Therefore let us not limit our requests for blessings for ourselves or others, but rely on the absolute Knowledge of the Heart of Love to bless us again and again, in perfect and absolute abundance!

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

A blessing


May I wait in silence

And find the blessing

May I reach out in love

And bless all things

May I remain in trust

That life will bless me

May I find a peace not of the world

To bless me

May I live in grace

And bless each moment

May I feel renewed

By blessing others

May I find hope

That somehow my suffering 

Will bring blessings unexpected

May I live a blessed life

Now and forever

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Day 5 Contemplation of the Litany of the Heart of Love: Bless our lives in unimagined ways.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Bless our lives in unimagined ways.

‘ let us not limit our requests for blessings…’

What is a blessing if not an unimagined gift, something new, vibrant, alive, special, bringing hope, comfort, joy, strength: a renewing of the day by means of an unexpected moment of goodness that can lift and transfigure your life, change perception, bring new clarity, help to see a different view, give strength of purpose, shine light in a dark tunnel, receive an unexpected present, accept a kind word rightly timed, be touched by a miracle of healing, find a saving from distress, gain help in the bearing of intractable pain. 

A blessing has myriad forms and is perfect for the receiver, each individual has their own special need and we can trust that any blessing given by God will be just right for that person, in that moment, in that way. For such is the intimacy of relationship with God and such the span of love and awareness of the Holy Three, that each blessing will be perfect for the one in need. 

Therefore let us not limit our requests for blessings for ourselves or others, but rely on the absolute Knowledge of the Heart of Love to bless us again and again, in perfect and absolute abundance! Amen

A prayer by Greg


In Mercy

In Mercy we will live 


And this flickering life

To sing

With this voice

To dance

With thus body

To touch 

With these hands

To laugh

With these eyes

And to free

With this heart.



Love is the power that Mercy brings. Ultimately Mercy is Divine love, unchanging as it ever was, ever is and ever shall be. It holds us all, sustains all, breathes through all, enlightens all. It is the morning and the night, the light in every person, the Holy Trinity. Mercy is all.

Mercy brings truth into any situation; above all it does not judge. In this way it affects sin and unforgiveness by dispelling it. Mercy is peace, the peace not of the world, ever flowing from the Heart of Love, the Mighty, Awesome, Holy Trinity.

When forgiveness may not feel possible, Mercy can be invoked, which eases all unforgiveness and touches all with Love and Healing. Thus all may be well, despite our own personal struggles and peace may unexpectedly, still be found.

This is the meaning of Mercy; to be merciful is to be free.

Transfiguration is being touched by the Light of Life, who is Mercy incarnate and eternal. It is where we meet Mercy in absolute purity, where we are touched by Mercy and all illusion drops away, so that truth is revealed in all its splendour and we find that love is real, alive and awesome in nature.

When, in all honesty, it does not feel possible to forgive a person right now, for all the hurt and ignorance caused by them, it is still possible to chose Mercy.

The hope may still be eventually, to forgive; yet in the meantime choose Mercy.

Saturday, 19 March 2022

A prayer of hope

When you feel crushed and wounded by those who persecute me

May the Lord give you solace and strength.

When the way ahead is fraught with difficulty

May the Lord lead you safely on

When fear justifiably grips you

May you feel the love of the Lord sustaining you.

When pain is intolerable

May the Lord hold and comfort you.

When doubt overwhelms you

May new hope be born in you.


May Mercy Find a Pathway To My Heart

Go to Day 4 of the Contemplation of the Litany of the Heart of Love which can be accessed through on the main web page, to hear Linda speaking on Mercy. .

Friday, 18 March 2022

May Mercy find me

 May Mercy always find a pathway to my heart. 

This is a very personal, beautiful prayer that has great meaning and tenderness for me. It means that however unable I feel to forgive someone, then I turn to God’s Mercy to lift me-higher, to find new vision and understanding and touch my heart with its truth. Amen.

God’s Mercy is absolute and is unconditional. Forgiveness, for me, is a many-layered process.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Day 4 Contemplation on the Litany of the Heart of Love: Lead us to Mercy

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Lead us to Mercy.

‘ Mercy goes beyond where hope is not and reclaims us from.’

And what can be said of Mercy? Why it is all. Mercy flowing from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit embodies the true meaning of the Cross, the Resurrection and Pentecost; is an awesome active Power, bringing life to us all. It is by Mercy that we are saved. For Mercy is the greatest blessing. Mercy, vaster than forgiveness, infused with love and understanding, saves us from a darker path, brings light and goodness to touch all that is hurting, all that is unforgivable, all that is unforgiven and restores love to the deepest pain, loss and lostness of soul.

Mercy goes beyond where hope is not and reclaims us from the deepest most desperate despair, anger, anguish, self- righteousness, negativity, torment, extreme pain and the slippery slope towards nothingness.

And so we ask in total confidence and absolute faith in the Heart of Love, that we be led towards Mercy, for there lies the source of light, life, love and miracles. Amen

His Love Is Like The Morning

Here is a peaceful, beautiful video created and performed by Greg on the gentleness of Mercy. May it bless you.

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Day 3 Contemplation of the Heart of Love, Pour Out Your Grace Upon Us


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Pour out Your Grace upon us.

‘ There is no space not touched by Grace.’

We lift up our hearts and ask for the Grace of the Mighty Trinity to pour out upon us. What is this Grace? Why it is pure love in action, touching, healing, guiding, blessing, inspiring, opening up new possibility, love in action, always available, freely given, generous and abundant, the ever flowing Heart of Love pours out grace upon the whole world and every moment, every millisecond within it. There is no space not touched by Grace. There is nothing impossible, through Grace. There is joy in our hearts, with Grace. It is Grace that lifts us and carries us, that restores and renews us. It is Grace that brings miracles, flowing from the Heart of Love. It is Grace that enables us to do more than we dreamed possible. It is Grace that opens up our lives and brings new hope to old feelings, stuck moments, impossible blockages in our path. For it is Wisdom from the Spirit, Light from the Son, Blessing from the Father, for each and everyone and so much more that cannot be described. 

The whole world then, can be touched by this Grace and changed forever. Amen

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

New audio on Being surrounded by the Love of The Trinity

Please see the Main Course page, Day 2 for the Contemplation of the Litany of the Heart of Love, to play an audio of Linda speaking on the Trinity. 

oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity surround us with Your Love!

Monday, 14 March 2022

For those of you seeking daily reading see our Lent reflections from last year. 

May they bless you.

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Spring Song


Here is a song called ‘We Love you’ with an animation, written and created  by Greg. It is inspired by his love of nature and the beauty of plants, which is one way of experiencing God’s love and blessings.

Saturday, 12 March 2022

The Litany of the Heart of Love Contemplation Day 2

 Contemplation on the Litany of the Heart of Love

The Litany of the Heart of Love is a very special and powerful form of prayer for us, which we want to share with you. It can be used in prayer and also for spiritual growth. The Litany of the Heart of Love can be used to immerse yourself in contemplation of the Trinity, the special relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You can come to more intimately experience oneness with all Three and enter more deeply in awareness, into the love that flows from the Hearts of all Three in Unison. You can bring all your worries, fears, yearnings, problems here and find relief.

First pray the prayer.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Surround us with Your love.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Pour out Your grace upon us.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Lead us to Mercy.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Bless our lives in unimagined ways.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Teach us the Word of God.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Guide us in the way of love.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Comfort us in our need.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Help us bear all suffering.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Fill us with hope

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Open our hearts with compassion

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Bring us to life.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Heal us now

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Bless us with miracles.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Be with us as we pray

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

.......individual prayer request..........

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Surround us with Your love.  Amen

Now, if you feel drawn to, you can use the prayer for more deeper contemplation. We focus on the first phrase.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Surround us with Your love.

‘ You, held in the awesome totality of the love of the Trinity.’

What does it mean to be surrounded with the love of the Trinity? Take a moment to be still and enter into your inner awareness of God. Focus your perception outside of yourself and reach out to feel the love of the Trinity. This is Triune love. There is no greater. This is all the tender, loving, open love of the Father. This is all the compassionate, aware, sensitive, merciful love of the Son, this is all the powerful, proactive, engaging love of the Spirit, all working in a unity to embrace and hold you. You who might feel small, insignificant, helpless even hopeless sometimes. You, held in the awesome totality of the love of the Trinity.

May you feel the touch of this Love today and may you feel the blessing, the comfort, the strength, the hope of this love in your life, transfiguring the moment, transforming your life, right now. Amen

The Litany of the Heart of Love Day 1

 Every word of the Litany of the Heart of Love has been given by God. Every phrase is sacred and holy. It can be prayed as one prayer, broken down into small individual prayers, used to gain deeper knowledge of the love and power of theTrinity or used as a crucible in which to hold a person and find the most powerful of responses. 

We shall post a Contemplation for each of the phrases of the Litany in the coming days.

Let us pray the Litany:

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Surround us with Your love.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Pour out Your grace upon us.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Lead us to Mercy.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Bless our lives in unimagined ways.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Teach us the Word of God.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Guide us in the way of love.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Comfort us in our need.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Help us bear all suffering.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Fill us with hope

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Open our hearts with compassion

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Bring us to life.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Heal us now

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Bless us with miracles.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Be with us as we pray

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

.......individual prayer request..........

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Surround us with Your love.  Amen

Now, if you feel drawn to, you can use the prayer for more deeper contemplation.

New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...