Sunday, 20 March 2022



Love is the power that Mercy brings. Ultimately Mercy is Divine love, unchanging as it ever was, ever is and ever shall be. It holds us all, sustains all, breathes through all, enlightens all. It is the morning and the night, the light in every person, the Holy Trinity. Mercy is all.

Mercy brings truth into any situation; above all it does not judge. In this way it affects sin and unforgiveness by dispelling it. Mercy is peace, the peace not of the world, ever flowing from the Heart of Love, the Mighty, Awesome, Holy Trinity.

When forgiveness may not feel possible, Mercy can be invoked, which eases all unforgiveness and touches all with Love and Healing. Thus all may be well, despite our own personal struggles and peace may unexpectedly, still be found.

This is the meaning of Mercy; to be merciful is to be free.

Transfiguration is being touched by the Light of Life, who is Mercy incarnate and eternal. It is where we meet Mercy in absolute purity, where we are touched by Mercy and all illusion drops away, so that truth is revealed in all its splendour and we find that love is real, alive and awesome in nature.

When, in all honesty, it does not feel possible to forgive a person right now, for all the hurt and ignorance caused by them, it is still possible to chose Mercy.

The hope may still be eventually, to forgive; yet in the meantime choose Mercy.

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