Thursday, 24 March 2022

Day 7 Contemplation on the Litany of the Heart of Love: Guide us in the way of Love

 Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Guide us in the Way of Love.

‘ how necessary it is to be true to a path of love ‘

Oh how much we need such guidance! To remain loving, to truly act from love, to be love in a broken world, to feel loved and flow with love ourselves, how beautiful this sounds, how determined to follow, how necessary it is to be true to a path of love, to be a true Christian and yet how hard in practice to sustain at times.

We must seek congruence within and without ourselves in all our thoughts, actions, deeds, motivations. Easy perhaps in brighter moments, the true challenge comes when we are sorely tested, mistreated, maligned, abused, harmed by others, let down and abandoned by friends and betrayed by our enemies. Let us see that this is truly when the loving heart needs most to be aligned with the Heart of Love, that it might not break and be irreparably damaged. This is when we must turn our faces to the cross and seek Christ to come to our aid and show us how to live truly from love. This is when we must call on the Spirit for Wisdom and Discernment, for the Power to overcome evil and to not follow a path away from love, based on our hurting, broken selves. This is when we must ask the Father to tenderly hold us and keep us safe, even through death that will bring us through to new life in God. For we seek not to condemn, not to cruelly punish, not to hurt back, if we truly love and yet we also ask for Justice, Truth : bringing responsibility and accountability to our persecutors and harmers, whether deliberate or through ignorance. 

But we also ask that all painful, hurtful, harmful situations be immersed in love and that we are kept safe ultimately and remain loving in the core of our being, nurtured and safe guarded by the Heart of Love, that we do not fall from grace and find ourselves lost to goodness. 

And so we cling on to God and pray with absolute desire, to be led always towards love and to be continually guided to live a life that is fundamentally unconditionally loving, not just a shallow, conditional, shadow of what is possible with God in our hearts and a true desire to love and serve. Amen

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