Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Day 6 Contemplation on the Litany of the Heart of Love: Teach us the Word of God


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Teach us the Word of God.

‘ its power and beauty manifest in the world for all time. ’

The Word of God is whole and complete. It needs but be spoken once and its power and beauty manifest in the world for all time. When we tap in to the power of the awesome Word of God, we are totally transformed, for nothing can be quite as it was before. That Word which comes from True knowledge, it is within you and burns in our hearts and our memories and keeps us safe, even if we seem to forget, yet still it remains, indestructible and all powerful, bringing healing and hope even to that which seems broken and unmendable. For it is the force of Life itself returning to the Father; the interrelationship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all one and unbreakable interacting together as the all powerful force of Love, for evermore.

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