Friday, 30 September 2022

Insignificantly Significant: A Poem


So how did my long journey to respect, affirmation, confirmation begin?

It must be found in the original kernel of truth

That I held in my heart.

Somewhere I believed I was precious and my presence mattered.

Through every moment’s pain and anguish, someone, directly or indirectly,

Must have touched me with love.

Maybe from a kind word, a warm touch, a validation of my inner self, 

From family, friends, even passing strangers 

In seemingly insignificant yet totally significant moments. 

For the longest of journeys since then, 

From birth to right now, 

I have trudged through indescribable pain

And countless losses, so great, 

That they have piled up too high

In infinite stacks

Then fallen repeatedly over, 

In complete disarray, 

Never looking to rise again.

And though I lost sight of me

And though I grieved for me

And though I was damaged and hurting, 

Still, I found me, once again

And that was the moment of healing, 

When love looked me in the eye 

And told me straight, 

That I was good enough,

Just as I am.

Thursday, 29 September 2022

As it was before


The best we can hope for

It seems

Is a stillness of moment,

When the ravaging of disease ceases to capture, momentarily,

all available attention

And an inner peace

Surely not of the world,

Can triumph

And the blessing of love

Can be felt,

Amongst and amidst the torment.

This illness never leaves

Despite our best hopes

And yet...

And yet, we still hope and pray

Despite outward appearance

And inner destruction

That miracles will bless our lives

So that one day

We might walk free of it

And be together

In an absolute harmony

On every level

As it was before

So may it be again.


Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Prayer in despair



When life is unbearable

And illness and worries are overwhelming

Give us the gift of Hope

In a brighter future

Give us the healing we need

In the present moment

Lest we do give in

And despair.


Sunday, 25 September 2022

My Journey: a Poem

My journey from wellness to profound disability

Has been complete for many decades.

It has forced me to accept the frequent repeated emptying of myself,

Captured by paralysis that stultifies my physical life

As it steals away my most precious hopes and dreams.

Into this distorted self, this frozen, statuesque body,

I have found a sense of freedom to survive

And more than this, soar.

It feels like I am in a box, trapped within a box, trapped within a box…

The Russian Doll has nothing on me.

Despite the physical entrapment,

I feel strangely, internally semi-fluid.

Here I am a free poet, a deep thinker.

I touch the stars with my mind.

I am coalesced with the whole universe.

I am me in all purity of being.

No boundary here can stop my soul

From soaring with the stardust,

Across the midnight sky

Nor keep me from plunging into the deepest ocean,

Searching for sparkling treasure.

Here my creativity is unleashed,

My mind unfurled to float where it will.

The bizarre nature of my life continues,

Whilst I cling on to my essential being.

I choose life and all the freedom my spirit is.

There is a unique insight that comes

When literally no plans are possible to make,

For No direction is known or knowable.

The future is impossible to predict

Or channel in your own direction.

You are at the mercy of freedom, in it’s truest sense,

You live eternally in the now of the present moment.

It frees you from the expectations of others,

That would bind you away from your own unique presence.

Your life shines bigger, brighter, expands,

As you realise more of your self,

For that is all that is available to you.

Your life, your breathe, your environment

Becomes sharper, cleaner, more lovely.

Time is slowed.

Not knowing if you will be able move,

If you will be able to eat,

If you will be able to think

Or speak

Or remember

Or not,

If your pain will be off the scale

Or higher still than that,

You cannot be anything but present to yourself.

There is a certain freedom that comes from this,

For if you  float in a state of silent, unmoving, empty bliss,

Where nothing can bombard you,

Peace, strangely, comes to reside in you.

In the oddest of ways you become free to not worry,

For nothing is possible.

You cannot feel helpless

If you have forgotten all the things

That should have been, could have been

Or even definitely are important.

The smallest details come into focus;

The song of a lone robin, sitting high upon a tree top,

Trilling to its hearts content,

The gliding Red Kite’s beauty, soaring overhead,

Fills the vast, empty skies with its awesome grace.

The incredible discovery,

That a tiny red and black spotted ladybird is making a home

In a hollowed out stem

Fills you with unexpected happiness.

Stillness and beauty

Become everything you will ever need

The Revelation of the Heart of Love

 What is Reconciliation, Healing and Mercy?

These three things - Reconciliation, Healing and Mercy work together from the cross. They interweave. All our pain and suffering, hurt, injustice, is held in the Heart of Jesus Christ on the Cross, all pain felt by Him for all time. All is taken in upon Him, by Him, with God’s strength and Love invisibly holding Him. Instead of bitterness, anger, indignation, desire for revenge, Love is given back, Mercy is released into the whole world and its Healing becomes a possibility, if only it is received.

This is the revelation of the Heart of Love:

Christ on the Cross. 

The Father holding him in a circle of Love.

The Holy Spirit being released more fully into the world.

All three working together in unison, spreading Mercy, Love, Forgiveness, Healing, Reconciliation for all that is wrong: one Heart, Three Being in Oneness. The Heart of Love, pure, total, ever present, all encompassing healing Love.

Saturday, 24 September 2022

What Can I Offer?

So what can I offer you

From my different perspective of the world?

From a place of frequent paralysis and empty-mindedness.

I can share my inner knowledge of being.

My world, so empty of business, 

becomes a place of waiting, seeking inner peace and understanding.

The things I know are hard won amidst the decades of intense suffering.

The emptiness of action, is replaced by the stillness of pure being.

Even when I cannot communicate,

Yet still I am:

A person, aware on the inside, unable to express who I am.

I need you trust that I am still there.

I am still me.

I am still thinking even if in a different way.

I still need you to know me, not to patronise or deny me.

Do not count inexpression as both an internal and an external loss.

Do not retreat into child-like conversation with me, as if I cannot understand.

Maybe I cannot fully follow every word, but maybe I can.

Trust and hope in that.

Believe still in my equality and respect me.

Be still with me.

Don’t busy yourself past me for want of an ability to find or understand me.

Believe and know that I am still here on the inside,

Longing to be seen, recognised, validated, attended to, cared for.

For I am peace among the ruins

And long to be seen for who I still am.


Too many people still do not know how to relate to someone with communication difficulties. This is my attempt to remind people that inside you are still you, no matter the difficulty in expressing it.

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Comments please

 If you like our website or blog and find the prayers and writings helpful, uplifting, inspiring, comforting, please do leave a comment. It would make us so happy.

Monday, 19 September 2022


 THE ONGOING AGONY OF this never-ending illness is relentless.

And Hope? Where is hope? And where am I in this nothingness of illness?

Hope must be something more than hope in a specific thing. It must fly over the disappointment of expectations and hold fast to something bigger, as individual daily hopes of better moments are individually dashed and shattered.

I cannot hope that I will be well in any specific form or time or place. I can only hope in the goodness of God, the peace beyond endurance that He gives, if only we dare to look, dare to ask, dare to seek for.

For God does not abandon, therefore Hope must be greater than all misery and suffering. It must be borne of greater stuff than humanity. It can only come from the Divinity of Love.

This then is where I must place myself now.

Trust - a prayer


Lord, we trust in You 

when the path seems difficult

when the way seems lost

when hope is dimming

when our need is great

when there is no clear answer

when there is no obvious sign 

Lord, we trust that You are with us still 

And will immediately come to our aid! 


Healing Prayer

 I ask You now to heal me

I ask you now to heal my family

I ask you now to heal my friend

I ask you now to heal my neighbour. 

I ask you now to heal my enemies

I ask you how to heal all strangers

I ask you now to heal my home

I ask you now to heal my community

I ask you now to heal my country

I ask you now to heal the whole world. 



 Grief can be overwhelming. It can hit us unexpectedly and bring up deep hurt and sad memories.

Don’t forget we have 3 booklets of Prayers for those who are bereaved and grieving. May they find hope and comfort.

Come Into The Hurting Places

There are so many places that can need healing. God can act on any and every level.

Come into the hurting places if you will.


Come gently into the hurting places of my body,

Caress then gently if you will,

Tenderly heal them if you will.

Come gently now into the hurting places of my heart.

Release the many unshed tears if you will,

Fill my vulnerability with your strength if you will.


Come gently now into the hurting places of my mind,

Touch each painful moment with love if you will,

Lift my thoughts to higher places if you will.


Come gently now into the hurting places of my soul,

Let your light pour into me if you will,

Give me the gifts of your spirit if you will.


Come into the hurting places if you will

and make me whole.

We thank you for Loving us.

We believe absolutely in Your healing Love.

To help, strengthen, comfort, guide us,

Especially in times of great difficulty and need.


My need is great, Lord. 

Your answer is all. 


When our need is absolute,

Your response is total, Lord.

For this we trust and thank you! 




Holy Tears

The wonderful teacher Anthony de Mello once told a story about a grieving mother, who had just lost her son. The master told her gently that he could not do anything about her loss, but he could make her tears “holy”.
That beautiful, tender story reminds me of what we have learned about suffering and struggle, grief and loss, about being broken open in the bleakest places, way beyond imagination.
Here we have immersed ourselves in the Heart of love that flows from the Mighty Trinity. We call this path the Holy Way.
The Holy Way is a path of love, ours and God’s….
The Holy Way has renewed us as we have clung on to that love.
The Holy Way is a path with heart and soul.
It commits us us to keep remembering who we are and who God is, to see beyond the world, with all its torments, disillusions, displacements, hurts, losses.
It commits us to see with inner eyes the flow of Spirit, guiding, empowering, enabling, hoping, holding, uplifting, recreating, banishing all evil in its path, miraculously helping us tread another step forward, even when no steps are seemingly possible.
It is a path of faith.
It is a path of light.
It enables us to cling on to a belief in goodness, in love, in a tenderness and compassion that surely touches the deepest tragedy, the severest pain, the worst assault, the cruelest betrayals and brings healing.
It helps you hold on and move toward love, even when that love is unfelt, unreachable, separated, seemingly lost.
Even in the darkest place does not God tell us that darkness will be to Him as light as day( Psalm 139;12) ?
There is no place that the Light of the World cannot shine, it is in this knowledge that we place our faith as we journey on our Holy Way.
It is in this way that we find blessings in all we experience and endure.
It is in this way, immersing our tears in the love of the Trinity, where all sadness is known, understood and touched by Spirit, that we can keep moving on, refinding ourselves and carry on reaching out in love once more.
Tears ultimately are for healing. When God touches us with His light all is transfigured and transformation is possible and can be used for good.
How many tears must Jesus’ mother have wept for her Son on the Cross, yet what power and love were released that day.
may your tears heal the earth
may your tears touch our hearts
may your tears cleanse our soul
may your grief heal our grief
may your grief touch our emptiness
may your grief speak for us
may your love heal our fear
may your love touch our pain
may your love bless our lives
may your hope heal our hearts
may your hope touch our souls
may your hope guide us on
to your Son
(Linda Crowhurst)

New writing on Peace


May the Peace, not of the world, wash over you.

May it fill you with the calm knowledge and love of God-with-you.

May it fill you to the brim and banish all fear, anxiety, hurt.

May it restore you to right balance and reconnect you with the total love of the Trinity


We have a new piece of writing on my experience of the Peace of God which passeth all understanding.

May it bless all who read it and touch them eith its peace edpecially at this time of great turmoil, grief and change.

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Help us: a prayer


Help us always to see with inner eyes of Love,

No matter what occurs, Lord,

Help us see that You are there too.


Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Healing Prayer to the Holy Spirit


Come Holy Spirit, come.

May the Holy Spirit come upon you now

Heal and save you,

Restore you to full health,

Comfort, shield and protect you,

Remain with you

Inspiring you 

And guiding you 



Friday, 9 September 2022

A prayer for those who are grieving


When someone dies we can feel helpless to know what to say or how to pray. Here we offer a prayer for all those who grieve especially at this time of mourning.

In Remembrance

We light a candle for all those in need

We hold all we know, who are suffering, in our hearts.

We hold all who have died before you, oh Lord.

We remember each one, today.

We name them lovingly out loud to honour their live's.

We think of their families and all who still grieve.

We hold those who are suffering indescribably in our hearts,

We hold, especially.........( name )  in our prayer

And send out a powerful wave of love to touch the world,

And every one in need of comfort, healing, justice, love.

May our wave of love touch the whole world.


Thursday, 1 September 2022

For the love of a dog

The echo of the loss is everywhere 
The precious life lived 
reverberates in every corner of our life
The wet wet nose
The sweet sweet smile
The ticking tockle tail
The wiggly twiggy dancing paws
Can never be lost
Or forgotten.
That last cuddle
That final lick
The stroke of the head
Those last words  gently spoken
Three breaking hearts
Always linked
By love.

New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...