Sunday, 25 September 2022

The Revelation of the Heart of Love

 What is Reconciliation, Healing and Mercy?

These three things - Reconciliation, Healing and Mercy work together from the cross. They interweave. All our pain and suffering, hurt, injustice, is held in the Heart of Jesus Christ on the Cross, all pain felt by Him for all time. All is taken in upon Him, by Him, with God’s strength and Love invisibly holding Him. Instead of bitterness, anger, indignation, desire for revenge, Love is given back, Mercy is released into the whole world and its Healing becomes a possibility, if only it is received.

This is the revelation of the Heart of Love:

Christ on the Cross. 

The Father holding him in a circle of Love.

The Holy Spirit being released more fully into the world.

All three working together in unison, spreading Mercy, Love, Forgiveness, Healing, Reconciliation for all that is wrong: one Heart, Three Being in Oneness. The Heart of Love, pure, total, ever present, all encompassing healing Love.

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