Friday, 30 September 2022

Insignificantly Significant: A Poem


So how did my long journey to respect, affirmation, confirmation begin?

It must be found in the original kernel of truth

That I held in my heart.

Somewhere I believed I was precious and my presence mattered.

Through every moment’s pain and anguish, someone, directly or indirectly,

Must have touched me with love.

Maybe from a kind word, a warm touch, a validation of my inner self, 

From family, friends, even passing strangers 

In seemingly insignificant yet totally significant moments. 

For the longest of journeys since then, 

From birth to right now, 

I have trudged through indescribable pain

And countless losses, so great, 

That they have piled up too high

In infinite stacks

Then fallen repeatedly over, 

In complete disarray, 

Never looking to rise again.

And though I lost sight of me

And though I grieved for me

And though I was damaged and hurting, 

Still, I found me, once again

And that was the moment of healing, 

When love looked me in the eye 

And told me straight, 

That I was good enough,

Just as I am.

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