Friday 9 September 2022

A prayer for those who are grieving


When someone dies we can feel helpless to know what to say or how to pray. Here we offer a prayer for all those who grieve especially at this time of mourning.

In Remembrance

We light a candle for all those in need

We hold all we know, who are suffering, in our hearts.

We hold all who have died before you, oh Lord.

We remember each one, today.

We name them lovingly out loud to honour their live's.

We think of their families and all who still grieve.

We hold those who are suffering indescribably in our hearts,

We hold, especially.........( name )  in our prayer

And send out a powerful wave of love to touch the world,

And every one in need of comfort, healing, justice, love.

May our wave of love touch the whole world.


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