Sunday, 31 March 2019

Prayer to the Heart of Love

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Surround us with Your love.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Pour out Your grace upon us.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Lead us to Mercy.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Bless our lives in unimagined ways.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Teach us the Word of God.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Guide us in the way of love.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Comfort us in our need.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Help us bear all suffering.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Fill us with hope

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Open our hearts with compassion

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Bring us to life.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Heal us now

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Bless us with miracles.
Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Be with us as we pray

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
.......individual prayer request..........

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Surround us with Your love.  Amen

Saturday, 30 March 2019

Guide us in the way of love

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Guide us in the way of love.

‘ how necessary it is to be true to a path of love ’

Oh how much we need such guidance! To remain loving, to truly act from love, to be love in a broken world, to feel loved and flow with love ourselves, how beautiful this sounds, how determined to follow, how necessary it is to be true to a path of love, to be a true Christian and yet how hard in practice to sustain. 
We must seek congruence within and without ourselves in all our thoughts, actions, deeds, motivations. Easy perhaps in brighter moments, the true challenge comes when we are sorely tested, mistreated, maligned, abused, harmed by others, let down and abandoned by friends and betrayed by our enemies. Let us see that this is truly when the loving heart needs most to be aligned with the Heart of Love, that it might not break and be irreparably damaged. This is when we must turn our faces to the cross and seek Christ to come to our aid and show us how to live truly from love. This is when we must call on the Spirit for Wisdom and Discernment, for the Power to overcome evil and to not follow a path away from love, based on our hurting, broken selves. This is when we must ask the Father to tenderly hold us and keep us safe, even through death that will bring us through to new life in God. For we seek not to condemn, not to cruelly punish, not to hurt back, if we truly love and yet we also ask for Justice, Truth : bringing responsibility and accountability to our persecutors and harmers, whether deliberate or through ignorance. But we also ask that all painful, hurtful, harmful situations be immersed in love and that we are kept safe ultimately and remain loving in the core of our being, nurtured and safe guarded by the Heart of Love, that we do not fall from grace and find ourselves lost to goodness.
 And so we cling on to God and pray with absolute desire, to be led always towards love and to be continually guided to live a life that is fundamentally unconditionally loving, not just a shallow, conditional, shadow of what is possible with God in our hearts and a true to desire to love and serve. Amen

Friday, 29 March 2019

I bask in the Light of the Son

So, I thought I would try something new - and start sharing my personal experience of God.
So here I am and it is a beautiful sunny day. The daffodils are shining, gloriously, the sun flowing straight through them, illuminating them in all their translucent beauty. 
The tulips have their petals wide open as if they are saying, “Here I am Lord, let me adore you. See, I am wide open to receive your blessing. I open my heart and receive your light.”
And so it is with me, as I venture outside and bask in the loveliness and warmth of the Sun, that lights up my life today. Or should I say, I bask in the Light of the Son, for indeed the sun is God’s gift of life to us all?

Living in the Heart of Love - a new review!

Recently, I received this wonderful book review, for ‘Living in the Heart of love’. You can find more information about the book here: 
“What a magnificent piece of work !!! I love the design of the book. It is easy for the eyes to look at and the bold letters, the space and length of passages makes it easy to read. It is a testimony of two people facing ongoing and never ending suffering together and thereby finding a deeper love that only few ever come to know. In the midst of deep heart lived pain, they shine the light and love of the Almighty One so bright and so cleaThrough their personal experience they share their horrible and beautiful testimony of how they have survived for decades living with unbearable suffering in all aspects of life and yet found not only courage and strength to go on, but also a deeper love and peace as they discovered the secret of entering into The Heart of Love.
It is life lived as painfully raw as it gets and love so tender and compassionate put together in the most breathtaking way. It is a masterpiece!”

See also the rest of The Holyway website for more prayers and spiritual writings :

See this short video to see what has inspired the creation of this book:

Thank you!

Lord, we praise and thank you for Your great Love
Knowing it is always with us through every trial.
Lord, we open to receive Your Blessing. 
We receive it now!
We trust in it now!
We accept it now!
We give thanks and praise right now.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Surround us with your love

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Surround us with Your love.  Amen

‘For God is ever present and His love flows in all abundance.’
How can we not be surrounded by His love? For God is ever present and His love flows in all abundance.  As you pray and enter more fully into awareness of the Heart of Love, so you can come to this profound revelation. Yet in times of difficulty and stress, pain, discomfort, overwhelming problems, grief, fear, we can so easily forget it and feel isolated, alone, desolate and hopeless. 

It is then of the utmost importance to look with inner eyes and see God with us. It is then of the utmost need to look up and see His face before you. It is then that it is safe to cry out Lord heal me, Lord help me, Lord protect me, Lord save me. Lord surround me with your love. Amen

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

He has no limit

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Bless us with miracles.

‘ He has no limit.’

All things are possible to God. He has no limit. Let us remember this when we pray. Let us know in our hearts that miracles flow from the Trinity. That they are very real and very possible. That when we ask, let us ask mightily in confidence that we will be heard and that God will answer mightily. Let us also pray humbly that we know it is His power working in us that will save us. Let us pray silently when words will not come to our lips, let us pray in stillness when words will not come to our minds, let us pray in tears, in actions, in tenderness, in all that we are, that we might receive this incredible blessing. And when we can no longer feel that we can pray ourselves, let others pray for us, in hope and faith and when we are all spent, let the Spirit Himself carry our prayers of the heart, of the soul, of our most desperate need, to the Father. And even more, let Him there pray for us, that we might know the intimate connectedness of the One in Three and may we receive the miracle that we need. For The Trinity are one and they are the utter totality of love, within and beyond time and space and they hold us close and immerse us in that love. Therefore we need never be fearful or hopeless again. Only turn our eyes inwards and reach our hearts upwards, that miracles might pour out upon us. Amen

Monday, 25 March 2019

Lead us towards you

Lord, lead us towards You
That we might find the truth of Your being
With us, precious, indescribable, present.
Lead us into the very heart of Love
And there fill us with Your deepest peace
Not of this world,

Which can only be a grace from God. 

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Open our hearts

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Open our hearts with compassion

‘It is the deepest form of love.’
Compassion is a gift. It comes from the Trinity infilling us with wisdom and sensitive awareness to others. It is the deepest most tender kindness. It touches at soul level engendering a soul response. It is the deepest form of love. It is not focussed on self, nor on our own circumstances, but comes from our highest self. It is all goodness, kindness, gentle knowing of the other and their need for love, assistance, connection, validation and healing. 

It is not based on surface appearance or on seemingly discordant interaction, but is about true intimacy, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, recognition. It flows from God to us and through His Mercy and tender healing, His light within us, flows out to touch the world and those in need with genuine goodness from the heart and soul.

Our hearts are broken open by our own suffering and our own need. May that experience become knowledge and that knowledge become laced with compassion for ourselves and each other. Amen

Saturday, 23 March 2019

Comfort us in our need

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Comfort us in our need.

‘ When we ask for comfort, He will give it….’
Our need to remain close to God is absolute in a chaotic, uncertain world. The world throws up confusion, busyness, incessant demands, complexity and stress. Yet if we take time to pray and allow God's love to flood our being, if we call out to the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit; the Heart of Love, we will surely be heard and answered. Our need for love is great. There are many hurts, some small, some huge and potentially overwhelming that wound us at soul level. All need comfort and healing. All need a path of love to keep us safe. When we hurt, we lose focus and awareness. The pain can feel as if it will annihilate us. It can be all consuming. This then is when we truly need comfort, where love can touch us and we can find that love is greater than any pain, even though it must be endured.

God knows our need. He knows all that we suffer, intimately. When we ask for comfort, He will give it, of this we can be certain, though it may not come in expected ways, for God's gifts are vast and His ways are bigger than any we can imagine. His sight all seeing, His mind all knowing and we may not always know how we can be comforted, yet we trust that if we place ourselves in the Heart of Love, the comfort we receive will be mighty! Amen

Friday, 22 March 2019

Bless our lives

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Bless our lives in unimagined ways.

‘ let us not limit our requests for blessings…’
What is a blessing if not an unimagined gift, something new, vibrant, alive, special, bringing hope, comfort, joy, strength: a renewing of the day by means of an unexpected moment of goodness that can lift and transfigure your life, change perception, bring new clarity, help to see a different view, give strength of purpose, shine light in a dark tunnel, receive an unexpected present, accept a kind word rightly timed, be touched by a miracle of healing, find a saving from distress, gain help in the bearing of intractable pain. 
A blessing has myriad forms and is perfect for the receiver, each individual has their own special need and we can trust that any blessing given by God will be just right for that person, in that moment, in that way. For such is the intimacy of relationship with God and such the span of love and awareness of the Holy Three, that each blessing will be perfect for the one in need. 
Therefore let us not limit our requests for blessings for ourselves or others, but rely on the absolute Knowledge of the Heart of Love to bless us again and again, in perfect and absolute abundance! Amen

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Shine in my heart

Lord, when I cannot see the way forward,
I cannot see Your Light before me.
Lord shine
in my heart.
Shine bright Lord.
Lead me on!
Lead me through.
Help me cope
Every step of the way.
Show me You are close.

Monday, 18 March 2019

I can wait

 What can I do
 When all is taken from me,
 Even hope?
 I can wait.
 I can trust.
 I can remain open
 To goodness
 And a perfect way forward,
 Within the darkness,
 Set aside only for me,
 That will ignite a tiny flicker of light
 In my heart
 And set me surely on a new path 


Heal and save me........

Lord touch me now
With your healing power
Touch my head that is hurting in intangible pain
Lord touch me now
With your healing hand
Touch all that is unhealed and broken in me
Lord touch me now
With your perfect love
Touch my mind and restore all thought and memory  
Lord touch me now
With your abundant mercy
Touch my limbs and restore my strength and movement
Lord touch me now
With your deepest compassion
Touch my heart and help me feel renewed
Lord touch me now
With your caring gaze
Touch my soul and renew my life 
Lord touch me now
With all your heart
In you do I trust to heal and save me

Sunday, 17 March 2019

We pray

When nothing is possible we hold each other and pray in the power of our love. Together we are one, one with each other, one in the love of the holy Trinity, held in the very heart of love.
 We look to Hope to guide us  and strengthen us to carry on our journey, when the way seems hard to bear. We remain present to God and open ourselves to the restoration and healing that ever flows from the Heart of Love.

Saturday, 16 March 2019

There is no space not touched by Grace

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Pour out Your grace upon us.

‘ There is no space not touched by Grace.’

We lift up our hearts and ask for the Grace of the Mighty Trinity to pour out upon us. What is this grace? Why it is pure love in action, touching, healing, guiding, blessing, inspiring, opening up new possibility, love in action, always available, freely given, generous and abundant, the ever flowing Heart of Love pours out grace upon the whole world and every moment, every millisecond within it. There is no space not touched by Grace. There is nothing impossible, through Grace. There is joy in our hearts, with Grace. It is Grace that lifts us and carries us, that restores and renews us. It is Grace that brings miracles, flowing from the Heart of Love. It is grace that enables us to do more than we dreamed possible. It is Grace that opens up our lives and brings new hope to old feelings, stuck moments, impossible blockages in our path. For it is Wisdom from the Spirit, Light from the Son, Blessing from the Father, for each and everyone and so much more that cannot be described. 

The whole world then, can be touched by this Grace and changed forever. Amen

Friday, 15 March 2019

A healing prayer

 In You we trust Lord
 Answer us now
 In ways that we can see, know, taste,
 Feel and recognise as a direct response From You:
 Heal me, Lord, graciously heal me
 Save me Lord, graciously save me
 Protect me Lord, graciously protect me
 Comfort me, Lord, graciously comfort me
 Strengthen me Lord, graciously strengthen me
 Restore me Lord, graciously restore me
 Renew me, Lord, graciously renew me
 Bless me, Lord, graciously bless me

 Amen! Amen! Amen!

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

When the path seems difficult

Lord, we trust in You 
when the path seems difficult
when the way seems lost from sight
when hope is temporarily dimming
when our need is great
when there is no clear answer
when there is no obvious sign 
Lord, we trust that You are with us still 
And will immediately come to our aid! 


Monday, 11 March 2019

A humble prayer

Lord, we humbly ask that you be with us now
Lord, help us feel you near,
Lord, comfort us in every difficulty,
Lord, show us Your way
Lord, be with us when we pray,
Needing Your help and inspiration,
Lord answer us Powerfully and Totally. Amen

Sunday, 10 March 2019

Living in the Heart of Love videos

I hope to produce a series of videos on Living in the Heart of Love. Here is the first one. May it bless you.

A meditation on the Heart of Love: the Awesome Mighty Holy Trinity

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Surround us with Your love.

‘ You, held in the awesome totality of the love of the Trinity.’
What does it mean to be surrounded with the love of the Trinity? Take a moment to be still and enter into your inner awareness of God. Focus your perception outside of yourself and reach out to feel the love of the Trinity. This is Triune love. There is no greater. This is all the tender, loving, open love of the Father. This is all the compassionate, aware, sensitive, merciful love of the Son, this is all the powerful, proactive, engaging love of the Spirit, all working in a unity to embrace and hold you. You who might feel small, insignificant, helpless even hopeless sometimes. You, held in the awesome totality of the love of the Trinity.
May you feel the touch of this Love today and may you feel the blessing, the comfort, the strength, the hope of this love in your life, transfiguring the moment, transforming your life, right now. 


New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...