Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Open our hearts with compassion
‘It is the deepest form of love.’
Compassion is a gift. It comes from the Trinity infilling us with wisdom and sensitive awareness to others. It is the deepest most tender kindness. It touches at soul level engendering a soul response. It is the deepest form of love. It is not focussed on self, nor on our own circumstances, but comes from our highest self. It is all goodness, kindness, gentle knowing of the other and their need for love, assistance, connection, validation and healing.
It is not based on surface appearance or on seemingly discordant interaction, but is about true intimacy, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, recognition. It flows from God to us and through His Mercy and tender healing, His light within us, flows out to touch the world and those in need with genuine goodness from the heart and soul.
Amen xxxx