Saturday, 23 March 2019

Comfort us in our need

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Comfort us in our need.

‘ When we ask for comfort, He will give it….’
Our need to remain close to God is absolute in a chaotic, uncertain world. The world throws up confusion, busyness, incessant demands, complexity and stress. Yet if we take time to pray and allow God's love to flood our being, if we call out to the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit; the Heart of Love, we will surely be heard and answered. Our need for love is great. There are many hurts, some small, some huge and potentially overwhelming that wound us at soul level. All need comfort and healing. All need a path of love to keep us safe. When we hurt, we lose focus and awareness. The pain can feel as if it will annihilate us. It can be all consuming. This then is when we truly need comfort, where love can touch us and we can find that love is greater than any pain, even though it must be endured.

God knows our need. He knows all that we suffer, intimately. When we ask for comfort, He will give it, of this we can be certain, though it may not come in expected ways, for God's gifts are vast and His ways are bigger than any we can imagine. His sight all seeing, His mind all knowing and we may not always know how we can be comforted, yet we trust that if we place ourselves in the Heart of Love, the comfort we receive will be mighty! Amen

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