Sunday, 10 March 2019

A meditation on the Heart of Love: the Awesome Mighty Holy Trinity

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity
Surround us with Your love.

‘ You, held in the awesome totality of the love of the Trinity.’
What does it mean to be surrounded with the love of the Trinity? Take a moment to be still and enter into your inner awareness of God. Focus your perception outside of yourself and reach out to feel the love of the Trinity. This is Triune love. There is no greater. This is all the tender, loving, open love of the Father. This is all the compassionate, aware, sensitive, merciful love of the Son, this is all the powerful, proactive, engaging love of the Spirit, all working in a unity to embrace and hold you. You who might feel small, insignificant, helpless even hopeless sometimes. You, held in the awesome totality of the love of the Trinity.
May you feel the touch of this Love today and may you feel the blessing, the comfort, the strength, the hope of this love in your life, transfiguring the moment, transforming your life, right now. 


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