Sunday, 30 April 2023

Day 9 Creator God


Day 9

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Help us bear witness to the harm being done to the planet so that we can aim to love and restore it once again, right now.

Oh Lord, the needs of the planet our mighty. The forests have been destroyed, the climate is changing, reeking havoc, meanwhile we seem to move toward a terrifying future with our eyes closed or feeling helpless and too overwhelmed by the vastness of the reality to know how to act and what to do. Help us see how we can each make a small difference in creating healing in our environments and communities. 

Saturday, 29 April 2023

What can I offer?


So what can I offer you

From my different perspective of the world?
From a place of frequent paralysis and empty-mindedness.
I can share my inner knowledge of being.
My world, so empty of business, 
becomes a place of waiting, seeking inner peace and understanding.
The things I know are hard won amidst the decades of intense suffering.
The emptiness of action, is replaced by the stillness of pure being.
Even when I cannot communicate,
Yet still I am:
A person, aware on the inside, unable to express who I am.
I need you trust that I am still there.
I am still me.
I am still thinking even if in a different way.
I still need you to know me, not to patronise or deny me.
Do not count inexpression as both an internal and an external loss.
Do not retreat into child-like conversation as if I cannot understand.
Maybe I cannot fully follow every word, but maybe I can.
Trust and hope in that.
Believe still in my equality and respect me.
Be still with me.
Don’t busy yourself past me for want of an ability to find or understand me.
Believe and know that I am still here on the inside,
Longing to be seen, recognised, validated, attended to, cared for.
For I am peace among the ruins
And long to be seen for who I still am.

Linda Crowhurst 

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Day 8 Creator God

Day 8

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Comfort all of nature in its great need, protect it, heal, it save it, help us to honour it and take care of it as is Your Will.

Lord, the earth and its creatures are hurting. The ice caps are melting. The species are dying. The butterflies and birds and insects are diminishing, we are poisoning our waterways and the very air we breathe. How can this be? Lord guide us to a better future. Take away all fear. Open our hearts and minds to take right action now to restore all that us list before it is too late. We beg you for your Love and Mercy in our lives and those of future generations. We trust in your Euston and guidance.

Tuesday, 25 April 2023


We all have the potential to be hope in the world if we live in God and allow His light to ignite our own. Together in oneness with the Trinity that light shines far and wide and blesses the world with the hope of new and fundamentally good possibilities. We can chose the path of Light in any moment. We can return to it when we lose our way if hope remains a possibility within us.

Extreme Prayer

Lord, I call out to you

In my extreme need

Hear me

Save me 

Protect me

Heal me

Banish all 

That harms me,

In Your most holy Name


Sunday, 23 April 2023

Creator God Day 7


Day 7

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Guide us in the way of love that we might nurture and care for our world much better than right now.

Lord, help us to serve in love and mercy, just as you do. There is so much need all around us. Help us to recognise it and look for ways to enable a brighter future, empower others to share in caring for creation and restore and enrich our world, to save it from harm, in a peaceful and loving way. Open our eyes to see how we can make a positive difference in our own lives and the lives of others. Help us to grow in consciousness and make right what is wrong in constructive and compassionate ways.

Saturday, 22 April 2023

World Earth Day


Today is World Earth Day. 

May we bless our environments. 

May we bless the trees and insects, the birds and animals that live in them. 

May we pray for change of awareness for all of nature, for it is sorely needed. 


Friday, 21 April 2023

Day 6 Creator God


Day 6

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Teach us the true meaning of the Word of God and help us live more deeply in Your Word and come to understand all living beings and how to live in harmony with them.

Oh Lord, may we never stop learning to  love your creation.may we keep growing throughout our lives, reflecting on the meaning of the Word of God in our own lives. Help us to respect others, known and unknown. Let us develop a deep respect for life itself.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Even more delighted to announce that Greg received an Honorary Mention for the Alpine Foundation Visual Arts Prize 2023

 I am even more delighted to announce that Greg received an Honorary Mention for the Alpine Foundation Visual Arts Prize 2023.

He came in the first 8 people out of over 1000 entrants. Well done Greg!

Here is the link to the wonderful moving video on Flourishing in suffering.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Day 5 Creator God Prayer

 Day 5

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Bless the universe, the stars, the galaxies, the comets, the moons and the suns, the energy and the gravity that holds it all together, may all give honour and praise to God and fill us with the deepest awe.

Oh Lord, let us never stop looking up with awe at the nature of the universe. Help us appreciate the stunning scale of your creation and live a life that honourably reflects our place within it. May we never stop looking at the planets and the stars or gasp in wonder at the beauty of the moon in a crisp night sky. May we appreciate the  magnificence of black holes, the science of gravity, the invisible dark matter that holds everything together. May we always look out for the wonder of the solar system, the incredible movement of the night sky and love everything that you have created.

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Preparing a reflective course around the Creator God Prayer

 How exciting to begin to design a reflective course with questions to consider and an additional blessing for each section of the Creator God Prayer. 

Keep an eye out for more on this. Exploring the issues brought us renewed hope and light, a sense that we can all contribute by becoming more aware and entering into prayerful interaction with our environment.

Friday, 14 April 2023

The importance of Gratitude

I want to focus on gratitude. For I believe it will help me focus away from pain and despair, especially in helpless, hopeless moments. Gratitude helps me think of the good things that are in my life that are not necessarily apparent due to my inner focus on my suffering or my outer focus on the difficulties the environment hold for me and the hurts of the past and the present. 

When I start to focus on gratitude the world looks different to me, even on a micro level. I see there is beauty in the room. I see there is beauty and goodness around me even if I struggle to access it. I remind myself of it’s presence and somehow it lifts my heart.

When I think of the kindness of others, it can warm me. When I think of the massive commitment of my husband to love and care for me and all the ways he has to adapt moment by moment to my severe hypersensitivity, I feel huge and vast gratitude that balances me once more.

When I remember the tiny achievements I have managed despite severe disability and pain, I rejoice.

When I add in a blessing I feel the power of love flowing through me.

Remembering the power of gratitude and blessings helps me find inner peace again and restore inner balance and calm. It helps me see a different, wider picture to the moment. It brings comfort and hope. Love bathes all and change, not stuckness, feels like it might be possible.

I give thanks and praise for every moment of my life.

May all be bathed in the Light of Christ and the Love of the Trinity.


Thursday, 13 April 2023

Day 5 Creator God

 Day 5

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Bless the universe, the stars, the galaxies, the comets, the moons and the suns, the energy and the gravity that holds it all together, may all give honour and praise to God and fill us with the deepest awe.

Oh Lord, let us never stop looking up with awe at the nature of the universe. Help us appreciate the stunning scale of your creation and live a life that honourably reflects our place within it. May we never stop looking at the planets and the stars or gasp in wonder at the beauty of the moon in a crisp night sky. May we appreciate the  magnificence of black holes, the science of gravity, the invisible dark matter that holds everything together. May we always look out for the wonder of the solar system, the incredible movement of the night sky and love everything that you have created.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Day 4 Creator God

 Day 4

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Fill us with Mercy for the smallest creature to the largest mountain 

And every part of this wondrous planet that we might see the world afresh.

Oh Lord, help us look with knew eyes at all that surrounds us. Let us see beauty wherever we go, in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. Let us appreciate and rejoice in the life you have given us. May we immerse ourselves in love for our environment and all beings

Sunday, 9 April 2023

New video for Easter


This is a touching and powerful contemplation on the meaning of Easter in the context of continuing agony. I find it deeply moving and beautiful.

Easter Blessings

Easter Blessings to you all. May this day bring light, hope, peace, renewed strength. Early in the morning Christ returned to life. His message is Life. His message is Hope. His message is Mercy. May they all restore and uplift you today. He is with us.  Amen

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Day 3 Prayer to the Creator God


Day 3

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Pour out your grace upon the whole world. May it touch every single thing in your creation, big and small, whether it is a neutrino, an ephemeral electron, a new born child, a single-celled organism, a giraffe, a volcano, a mountain, an iceberg, no matter its shape and size, may everything feel your grace upon it.  

Oh Lord, help us to see and know our own connection to all living and organic things. Help us to value the smallest creature and understand its part in your creation. Help us to grow in awareness in the interconnectedness of the whole world, the atmosphere, the seas, the oceans, the land, every rock and environment, every living thing; all that is visible and invisible. May we live a life that honours all.

Friday, 7 April 2023


Sometimes my physical experience is intolerable. Last night I was awake till 5am in agony. Drawing helps  to express the sorrow and the pain, even if not brilliant from a drawing point of view at least an expression of my grief at Easter. My lost dog. My trapped state inside the cave, life outside bright and alive, inside dark and lost, the lilies representing beauty and loss, the Cross the eternal torment of moments.

Good Friday

 All is stripped away from us by the circumstances and experience of this illness. The pain of the Cross is very real. The sacrifice of the one who loves is immense, the carer who loves and stays despite the pain and torment he both sees and feels, is ravaged daily by the storms of the Cross.

The love, the open-heart of the carer for the beloved is a wound that brings forth the greatest compassion and untold wisdom in the world of suffering. It brings clear sight of injustice and calls for the need for Truth and Integrity on the path ahead.

The sufferer too lies pinioned in pain on the Cross with Christ. Each throb of pain is an onslaught and a torture.

Each moment of inability, of incapacitating paralysis, breathlessness, is a moment of shared anguish with the Lord.
Each second of spreading numbness, pushes the sufferer further away from the world . Each exquisite level of torture played out on the person with Severe ME is a part of the suffering Christ on the Cross. There is no separation from the hurt of the world, for the Lord, the carer, the sufferer, all are bound in agony by their experience and by their love for each other.
God loves us. Of this be certain. God knows all our pain. Of this be certain too.
We are all bound to the Cross in His intimacy of suffering.
Few remain with us.

Few remain, yet all are loved. We hold to the Cross. We cling to each other and spiritually our need is great. Our hearts are all open. For whom can we turn to in such suffering other than to God ?

Even if it feels like He has abandoned us, this not so. We cannot always bear nor understand the level of distress and pain we suffer, yet we can hold fast to the truth.
We can bear our suffering with love at the centre. We can know in all certainty that even if we know not how we will cope yet still we will cope., and more than this, great gifts of goodness, great spiritual blessings, will flow from our steadfastness to love.
And that is all we must focus on. The Heart of Love, feeling our pain, becoming our pain, being all pain. And finally the Heart of Love healing all pain.

We may not feel healed. We may not feel God’s presence, even in the darkest depths of suffering, yet truly the Light of the World is with us and He bears all hurt for all time and as we enter too into this mystery with Him, so we are all saved.

For Love, though it appears to fail on the Cross of Good Friday will ultimately triumph and leads us always on to the Glory of God, to Light, to Healing, to Hope, to Mercy

Thursday, 6 April 2023

Feeling grumpy and fearful

It would be very easy to be grumpy every moment of every day, with the level of hypersensitivity, pain and frequent paralysis I have to endure. That is compounded by additional stresses and strains of every day hazards and inconsideration of others. It would be very easy to see the world fearfully and negatively. There is so much that is genuinely fearful happening in the world. 

The only way I have found to tolerate so much uncertainty and so much pain, is to try to seek calmer moments, space from others and focus on peace, the peace that God brings, on  calm, the calm that tells me somehow all will be well despite outer appearance, on seeing with spiritual eyes from a different perspective that can somehow bring comfort and hope out of chaos and irritability, on trying to look ahead without fear dominating and twisting my thoughts and my feelings. I do not always succeed, but when I find the stillness in the centre of my being, balance can be found, wisdom can penetrate through and light can lift the worst moments with its grace,

It is no good dwelling in fear and irritability. It is better, in my experience, to seek, peace, light, goodness, hope and a calm way forward, blessed by love, for where love is, fear cannot exist. 

It may not always feel easy or possible. Yet with God new ways are found. Different unimagined doors open up. Hope shines eternally. Therefore let us not be guided by fear, but by love. Let us trust in finding  the right way forward in any circumstances we find ourselves in. Let us focus on God’s strength, not our own. Let us look at the path ahead with clearer sight and a wider view, blessed always by the Trinity. Amen.

Day 2 Creator God


Day 2

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Surround each one of us and every family, community, society,

whether human, animal or mineral, with your love and peace and power to heal.

Oh Lord, there are so many broken relationships in the world; relationships between family members, between friends, colleagues, strangers, within and between communities, countries, nature itself. Help us to stop taking situations, people, things for granted, to stop judging wrongly, expecting to own or take or damage what does not belong to us, especially the earth itself, and mend our relationships in all ways. It feels on so many levels that everything is fracturing at the moment. Help us to have confidence in your grace to strengthen us in our resolve to love, to be compassionate, to understand, to heal and to mend the hurts of the past and the present lest the broken bonds  remain, worsen or harm the future.

Monday, 3 April 2023

Unextinguished Agony

Unextinguished Agony

I do not say this lightly. I know suffering intensely and personally. 

Three decades ago I fell into a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual void created by a devastating unrecognised neurological disease that tore me from life as any normal person knows it and there I have remained, housebound, separate, invisible, neglected, negated, harmed unintentionally by the ignorant, ordinary actions of all and sundry.

From these tortured days of existence, I have toiled, moment by moment, in untreatable, interminable pain and never-ending continual paralyses, to live in a state of love and entered into the depths of myself through meditation, prayer and contemplation, when possible, to try to live a life of meaning and beauty despite the agony.

What is health you ask? What is life? What is suffering? Can they all have depth, truth, beauty at their core? In answer to health and life, you can immediately say yes, but to suffering, how can beauty reside there and grow, even flourish?

To answer, I must enter deep into my own fragmented mind and body to seek and hope to find what resides within.

My starting point is profound disability, transient mental emptiness and extreme never ending pain. My body, my mind, my life have been broken on every level for almost thirty years now.

What do I learn from here? Each moment of knowledge has to be dug out from the landscape of my suffering mind and body and grasped before it disappears in a further wave of mind-blanking deterioration.

How can I survive in this unextinguished agony that no treatment resolves?

I find that to live in a deeper spiritual way, in the essence of my being, is the only way I can cope and find meaning. It is the essence of my survival and more than this, it is everything to me.

Facades and falseness must fall away in this desert. There is no room for dishonesty or superficiality. All that is left, is me, in agonised, screaming silence. And deeper still my truth, my love, my being, my breath, my spirit, my connection with God, that sustains, strengthens, hones each pain-cracked moment into a perfect expression of being, can still be found.

Trapped inside my poorly functioning body I am forced to plummet then to grow, as never before, as I become aware of uncharted depths of insight in my effort to heal, to love, to forgive, to understand, to reclaim life. Life though must take on a new hue and a different meaning to persist. I have to adjust, to acclimatise, to see myself from a wider view.

Surprisingly, I find that inside I am still me, in all my fullness, huge, vast, compassionate, creative, pure, beautiful, perfect. I have no boundary. I can reach out and feel the whole universe groaning, crying, laughing, even screaming with me.

When no movement is possible and pain seeks to overwhelm and obliterate me, there is a necessity to seek for a hidden depth of peace, not normally experienced, wide and vast in its breadth and beauty.

Where no thought is possible there is an indescribably fluffy, soft, almost gentle inner calm in the emptiness of words and the void where memory should be. A peace beyond knowing permeates everything in the core of my being, even when the outside is burning up in agony without relent.

Here, you find that you are more than you thought, more than you knew, more than you ever were, although from the outside it might seem like the opposite, that you are so much less or almost entirely gone.

Here wisdom enters.

Truth arises.

Knowledge becomes.

Love unfurls.

Healing begins.

Awareness is.

Yet you will only know this when your life has become seemingly, inescapably small and crushed, diminished from sight, nothing to most people, seemingly of little worth or value from a worldly view.

The physical, emotional, cognitive losses will be profound and yet….

You are challenged to grow, to recognise yourself and to love all that is. This is the true meaning of flourish. A space where you can reach out to everything, without going anywhere, you can shine like the stars, in a sea of seemingly empty nothingness, for your beauty arises from the ashes and life itself is both wondrous and precious beyond words, just as you are.

However, you cannot deny the desolation and destruction of suffering, the fear, the terrible torment and the seemingly unquenchable annihilation. You have to step outside of yourself, somehow, to even begin to cope or dare to bear the unbearable. You have to face death and still find peace and hope. It is a strange, eerie, unnatural balance, a paradox of extremes. 

It is perhaps only those who have not suffered endlessly who might ask or assume that suffering is always a way to flourish and grow, a key to the door of understanding and wholeness. Yes it can be, yes it may be, yet it can also lead to devastation and extremity of bleakness beyond words or statement of feeling. It leads to isolation, separation, acute loneliness of experience and a desolation that may not always be possible to return from. Each moment can either be one where you fall and that falling is dreadful in its depth and speed and destination. It can also lead to transfigurative moments that are way beyond, between, within, the pain of existence and help you to step lightly between fractured seconds of unquantifiable distress.

It is almost an insult to ask, in those moments, if to suffer is to flourish? It can only be framed so lightly by those who do not know its reality and its ever present determination to destroy or those who have not suffered without relief in literally unending pain or despaired at the profound hopelessness of a situation that truly has no answers.

You can ask, can goodness come out of the most horrific suffering and the answer would be yes, but you cannot ask if suffering is intrinsically good, implying that it is the only way or the best way or even an acceptable way to flourish, for it is to deny the desperation that only one who indescribably suffers may feel; to long to get well from an incurable disease that has no path to health or to yearn to be restored to an irretrievable relationship stolen by death or to want be part of the normal, natural world that is never going to be possible, no matter what you think or do. The answer must always to my mind be no. 

Suffering for suffering sake is not and can never be good. Neither can self-imposed suffering that actually has a way out, even if it is a difficult one, ever deliver the same level of knowledge and understanding.

Suffering out of necessity, however, where no other direction is open, carves a path built on the labor of tormented seconds, mindless minutes, horrible hours, destructive days, yearning years, deadly decades, lost life times…and it is here that you can truly grow in wisdom, knowledge, discernment, truth and find a love and compassion for yourself and others that may never have been sought or discovered without it. 

What a high price to pay to find your own inner truth and beauty.


 So very proud to announce that Greg has been shortlisted for the Alpine Fellowhsip International Visual Arts Competition. This is such wonderful affirmation.

Once the winners are announced we will post the video for you to watch.

Here is the link to the short list.

Creator God Day 1

Here we share our new spiritual contemplations on the Creator God Prayer. For the full text and more detail on the issues facing the Earth and us all, see:

Day 1

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Heal and save the earth, the seas, the water, the sky, the trees, the clouds, the deserts, the soil, the continents, the planets, every species you have ever loved.

Oh Lord, our Earth is in the greatest of danger. There is so much pollution of the air, the water, so much destruction of your beautiful creation, the trees and forests that hold so many gifts, the incredible species of bird and animal, insect and fish, lost or near extinction. Please Lord, open up our hearts and minds to love our planet and all creation, to tenderly care for every living and inanimate thing the way you tenderly care for us all. Amen

Saturday, 1 April 2023

Palm Sunday

 What better day to write about Climate Change than Palm Sunday, when Jesus rode a donkey through the streets and everyone rejoiced. What a beautiful image of humility and respect, power and hope. These are the qualities we need in approaching the very real crisis that Climate Change will bring to us all, if we do not address with humility the reality that is unfolding.

Let us pray that Christs love, compassion, healing energy fill us today and inspire us to act for the good of all Amen.

The challenge of Lent

  Lent is seen as a time of renunciation, a time of fasting and reflection. For those who live in a perpetual Lent through long term sufferi...