Thursday, 6 April 2023

Day 2 Creator God


Day 2

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Surround each one of us and every family, community, society,

whether human, animal or mineral, with your love and peace and power to heal.

Oh Lord, there are so many broken relationships in the world; relationships between family members, between friends, colleagues, strangers, within and between communities, countries, nature itself. Help us to stop taking situations, people, things for granted, to stop judging wrongly, expecting to own or take or damage what does not belong to us, especially the earth itself, and mend our relationships in all ways. It feels on so many levels that everything is fracturing at the moment. Help us to have confidence in your grace to strengthen us in our resolve to love, to be compassionate, to understand, to heal and to mend the hurts of the past and the present lest the broken bonds  remain, worsen or harm the future.

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