Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Lent Day 15

 Again and again we return to the Truth of God, that He is Love; the emphasis here is on truth and trust.

Only by placing our trust in the living God can we know with all certainty that we are safe and sound, because we are loved.

Those who know God know that they are loved and joy abounds in them. Praise then comes naturally, because as we focus on Truth and feel God's loving Presence, so we give feel an urge to give thanks and praise for all good things that flow to us. We are lifted into His Light and spiritually see things more clearly. We receive His gifts of Discernment and Wisdom, to help us know what is True and what is false.

And as we grow in our relationship of trust in God, so we grow in Love in our lives and are blessed by that Love. We become more able to love and see rightly the path ahead. We rely on God’s goodness and find that He strengthens and blesses us in all circumstances.

Lord in you we trust
Help us grow strong in your Love
and always follow the path 
of Truth that will lead us wisely on. Amen


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