Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Lent Day 14

 We need to pray when we feel spiritually attacked or are desperately struggling with ourselves or our circumstances; when God feels far away. 

We can pray at these times that we will not desert God, because we might wrongly feel that He has abandoned us. We trust that, no matter how far away we might feel from His goodness and His Light, we do not make the choice to let go of our own goodness, nor to let go of God who is Love. For to lose touch with God’s Presence, would be unimaginably hard.

That is why we need to be aware of fearful thoughts that may direct us away from the Truth and Life that God brings us. In moments of despair, we might shut God out, thinking He is not listening, perhaps or not doing enough to help us or others. In these circumstances it can even seem like God has abandoned us. Yet if we hope, if we listen, if we trust in the still small Voice of God, so it can speak to us and strengthen us in the most dire of moments.

Therefore let us pray, during every trial, to be delivered from evil. This is the meaning and the promise of the Lord’s prayer. Christ is with us in every trauma, in every depth of despair, in every difficulty and challenge, to bring us safe passage through and always back to God the Father. This is why Christ came, that we would not be abandoned even if the way felt impossible. 

Christ lights the darkness and takes fear and unlove away, with the truth of His being. He fulfills the Law, He brings Love and Compassion, Mercy and Goodness to the fore. He says I will not abandon you, seek me. 

So let us always remember to seek for Him in every circumstance of our lives. 

Let us then call out to God, so that
in our desperate need, we do not feel so
overwhelmed that we abandon
His path of Love: for He is with us. Amen.

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