Sunday, 22 March 2020

Come Holy Spirit, May your Spirit flow freely within me

Come Holy Spirit, come
Come Holy Spirit,
May your Spirit flow freely within me

When the Spirit comes to our call, we need to open to the flow of love that pours in to us and allow ourselves to follow where the Spirit leads. The Spirit is not blocked, then, from fully working within us, empowering us, blessing us, leading us on, showering us with gifts to use in the service of the Trinity.

As the Spirit flows freely, we cannot say exactly where the path will lead: so we must grow in confidence, trust and awareness of God with us. We must learn how to best use the gifts the Spirit brings, so that we will bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God. 

So let us call with certainty upon the Holy Spirit, that our faith journey might be inspired by the presence and ever-flowing love that the Spirit brings. Amen

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