Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Lent: Come Holy Spirit, bring miracles of healing

Come Holy Spirit 
Bring miracles of healing with you

We trust in the power and possibility of miracles that manifest through the great and total love of the Awesome Mighty Trinity. Miracles are also acknowledged as a specific gift of the Holy Spirit. So let us always be emboldened by the Spirit. 

We never know how our prayers will be answered, yet we pray in trust and confidence, asking for miracles to abound, especially in times of great difficulty, like the whole world is facing now, when fear would have us feeling totally lost and helpless. 

Let us cling on to the mystery of ‘God with us’ and ask the Spirit to pour out miracles, that we may remain strong in faith and confident in the proactive Love of the Trinity. Let love pour out from each and everyone. 

May communities and individuals in need, all find miracles of healing and hope today. Amen

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