Friday, 7 June 2024

To see with new eyes


We find Placing our hearts and minds in God lifts our vision higher, helps us see things with a new perspective. This is not to deny the very real pain of any situation, but to bless it with hope.


One of the most important things you can do, we have discovered, in the face of a seemingly stuck situation, is to try and see it with “new eyes”.
This is particularly challenging when you are severely ill and there seems no path forward. However if you look instead with kindness, with hope and possibility, maybe you can :
1. See a bigger picture
2. See a wider context
3. See a different path forward
4. Find a peaceful place in yourself, even if you can’t change the situation.
5. Reframe it.
6. Gain greater understanding.
7. Bring a different feeling to your situation
8. Come from a kinder position to yourself and others
9. Adopt a gentler approach to your life and any difficulties you are having
10. Find renewal
11. Find a way to focus on the present as opposed to carrying the worries of the past that limit you.
12 . Free yourself up to see things differently.
13. Find comfort and upliftment from a spiritual source.
14. Find a new idea, that might make all the difference.

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