Monday, 31 July 2023



Lament to me is more than sadness, more than loss, more than pain, more than emptiness, it has a power and and a sense of truth and rightness, of love in a fire of expression. All mingle together in a powerful way to enable an outpouring of feeling that encompasses the greatness of  these. It may feel unquenchable, yet it is a necessary part of honouring those we have loved and lost to death, whose lives no longer bless our world, yet whose spirits live on in so many echoes from the past.

Sunday, 30 July 2023

August 8th A Time to Especially Remember All our Friends who have Died with Very Severe ME.

Every year we seek to honour the tragic loss of life of so many of our friends who have died over the years with Very Severe ME.  Here is our Tribute this year, for a very special friend who died earlier this year, Kara Jane Spencer. We hope that everyone who knew Kara will find comfort in the words.

It is a great honour to be featured on Kara Jane Sings Blog. See here:

Not If, a song for those grieving

 Grief can last a very long time, can overwhelm us at any moment, breaks our hearts again and again. Here is a song to bring comfort.

Saturday, 29 July 2023


 Lord in you we trust

Help us grow strong in your Love
and always follow the path 
of Truth that will lead us wisely on. Amen

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Waiting, a blessing

 For all the moments I have to wait for anything at all

may they bless me

For all the people I cannot see because I am having to endlessly wait

may they bless me

For all the moments I cannot do anything

may they bless me

For every non-event in my life may I see the wonder of the moment instead

may it bless me

For every inaction I endure may there be a blessing in disguise

may it bless me

For every moments pain may I feel grace in action upon me

may it bless me

For all moments happy or intolerable may they still bless me

Sunday, 16 July 2023

More information on Love Unbound free epub book.


Love Unbound Greg Crowhurst

This book is dedicated to all those who suffer and seek solace.

It reflects on the writing of John Paul II who has now been sainted. We hope it blesses you as you read it.

“When intense physical, emotional, spiritual or mental suffering comes to you, you have a stark choice. Either you enter more deeply into the meaning of suffering, where you find Christ, not just as a theological idea or someone somewhere else, but living, alive with you more deeply than you could ever have imagined before this suffering came upon you; or you choose a path of fear and despair. This book opens up a pathway to help you more clearly see and understand the meaning and the possibilities open to you within your suffering.”

Thursday, 13 July 2023

A prayer to the Heart of Love

 Take a moment to be still. Feel the energy of the Father who is Love, the Son who is Mercy, the Spirit who is Power. Feel them all with you. Now you are going to pray to the Heart of Love.

I place myself and who/what I pray for, in the very centre of the Heart of Love. I pray to all three, Father Son and Holy Spirit to come to my aid. I state again my prayer. I trust it will be heard and answered.

I place myself and ………. In the Heart of Love, where miracles happen and Joy is complete. I immerse myself in the wonder of Love!

Wait then in hope and openness, knowing that God is with you and there is no greater love than the Love of the Holy Trinity.

Wait expectantly.

Feel the energy of love surrounding you. 

Feel all burdens, worries, needs being lifted and carried, transfigured and transformed as you hope and pray. 

Find peace and trust. Amen

Give thanks to the Holy Trinity in whom you place your trust!

Finish by praying the Our Father once more, knowing it is a powerful prayer of love and protection, of oneness and trust.

Be safe, feel loved, trust and hope that you have been heard, seen and answered, Amen

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Come into the hurting places


We are proud to announce that my prayer ‘Come into the Hurting Places’ has been published in the latest edition of the Faith Companion.

Come Into The Hurting Places: a prayer for those who suffer

Come into the hurting places if you will.

Come gently into the hurting places of my body, 

Caress then gently if you will,

Tenderly heal them if you will.

Come gently now into the hurting places of my heart.

Release the many unshed tears if you will,

Fill my vulnerability with your strength if you will.

Come gently now into the hurting places of my mind,

Touch each painful moment with love if you will, 

Lift my thoughts to higher places if you will.

Come gently now into the hurting places of my soul, 

Let your light pour into me if you will,

Give me the gifts of your spirit if you will.

Come into the hurting places if you Will

And make me whole.

Saturday, 8 July 2023


I am in Limbo Land again

That place of total weakness and inability on every level.

I cannot see clearly. 

I cannot find the strength to move.

My thoughts are weak and disconnected, my memory dissipated yet again.

I cannot say I do not know this place,

Yet still I fall into despair at its frequency of return.

I clasp on to the slightest brightest moment

And somehow manage to kid myself that it will not come back,

That this moment of better movement or clarity is how I am and how I will be,

Then back I fall into painful, paralysing sleep

And all my hope is undone.

Here I have to hope that God is with me

Even when I forget.


Thursday, 6 July 2023

New free ebook, Love Unbound


We are delighted to share the links to download a free copy of this contemplative book on suffering. Please do watch the video of Greg speaking about it, explaining it in more detail.

 Love Unbound" is available as a free eBook on multiple platforms:

New video talking about the book ‘Love Unbound ’.

 Here Greg talks about the new book Love Unbound just published as a free ebook.please do listen.

Sunday, 2 July 2023

A new blessing


Lord, bless the past

May all hurt be healed

Bless the future

May it unfold in love

Bless the present

May I find your peace and there remain,


New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...