Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Overwhelming Fear

Fear can be so overwhelming it ruins our lives. The trouble with fear is that it is often about something yet to happen which might not happen, but could possibly happen or it may be an existential fear based on messages you tell yourself from previous experiences which may or may not be helpful or true. 

There may be validity in the fear, but it is hard to see the truth of anything when fear sits atop it. It may be groundless. It may need proper consideration, yet feeling gripped by fear is an excruciatingly painful place to be, for it can loom so large that it can block wise thought and realism. The feelings themselves can incapacitate from action that might be needed. 

The problem is that the fear of a situation, even though it may have grounds of truth within it, can build up so hugely that you cannot see clearly or make right decisions or any decisions, neither can you feel good about yourself of hopeful about your circumstances. You cannot accurately predict the likely outcome. You cannot say what the future holds, but an imagined future gripped by fear may be different from the reality. It is very hard to know what to do in these circumstances

When I feel like this I have to remember to turn to God, because His presence can be forgotten in such moments. I turn my attention to beauty, I need love to bless me. I ask for wisdom and discernment. I pray for Mercy and Wisdom to flood me so that I can see more clearly or at least make a reasonable judgement and try to quieten all the wrong messages I might be giving myself in my head and the horrible feelings that are so painful.

There are no clear answers necessarily, even with awareness, but fear is a confusion in the mix. Patience may be needed. Healing may be needed too. Kindness to yourself is definitely needed. A change of view may need consideration. Comfort is required. Sometimes waiting is helpful till calm is upon you.  Being present in the moment can help still you within and help you find truth.

I turn to God in these circumstances, for fear does not come from God, but from helplessness and hopelessness and sometimes wrong messages. I step forward tentatively with God. I pray for His guidance and ask for a safe passage through any trial. I ask for love to banish the fear till clarity can be found. 

We can never know the future but God reassures me that the future is blessed by His Love, no matter the path. God was with His Son on the Cross, He is with us too in every circumstance. So this is what I cling to.

I wrote this poem in just such circumstances when I felt terrified about the Covid Pandemic, which was justifiably very frightening.

The Stars are not afraid

When I am overwhelmed 

and incapacitated by fear

I focus on all that is good, 

all that is safe, 

all that is true right now.

I see the beauty of nature 

surrounding me,

as Spring unfurls.

Whether I am outside or trapped indoors,

I think of the trees.

They stand glowing,

As buds burst into new life,

A promise of blossom,

then an abundance of fruit, yet to come.

They tell me, they are not afraid.

Spring is coming in.

Nothing can stop the slow, steady progress

Of their growth toward the light.

When I feel fear staring me in the face,

Blocking my senses,

Tearing at my mind,

Whispering unhelpful possibilities,

I look up and out upon the stars.

I tell myself

that they are not afraid.

Their light still shines

From a billion light years away

To reach me in the gathering gloom.

When I feel fear grasping at my heart,

I look to you 

and see you

Standing before me,

Arms open wide

Loving me,

Caring for me,

Affirming me,

Helping me stay strong.

Against all fear,

We stand together.

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