Thursday, 30 March 2023

Mercy can….

Mercy can free us, can fill us, can lift us up. Mercy can touch our hearts and mind. Mercy can bless us and lift us higher to where we can see a bigger picture, a greater perspective, a new way forward blessed by love.

Let us look for Mercy. Let us reach out in Mercy. May Mercy guide us every day. Amen

This is our last post from the Mercy document. As we enter into Holy Week, we will begin to focus on the Creator God and our desperate need to take better care of each other, our planet and all living creatures.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Let Mercy uplift me


Let Mercy uplift me.

When we are stuck in hurt, blame, anger, unforgiveness or the past, we cannot see a hopeful way forward. We cannot feel good about ourselves or others. But God’s Mercy lifts us higher where we can see clearer and find a new pathway away from the rawness of hurt memories and a longing to punish those who afflicted harm. Feeling God holding us higher is a great blessing and gift.

Monday, 27 March 2023

Let Mercy enlighten me

Let Mercy enlighten me

Mercy brings a new way of seeing things. It brings love, compassion, empathy, understanding to old wounds and aids us with entrenched issues. It can give greater insight. It can enable discernment and wisdom to blossom in you. Praise God for Mercy!

Sunday, 26 March 2023

Blessing your space

To start blessing, take a look around and bless what you see, immediately in front of you.

If you are outside, bless what you see

If you are inside, bless the room, bless any animal or person in the room with you.

Think about the people who have lived there before you or visited or passed through or passed by in car or plane or on bicycle or foot. Bless each one. 

Feel joy in your heart as you too feel the benefit of the energy that flows with each one you bless.

Saturday, 25 March 2023

Let Mercy


Let Mercy grow in me

We can only hope and ask that Mercy grow in us, so that we can walk a lighter path through life, not bogged down by unforgiveness, fractured relationships, woundedness, shame or guilt. As it grows in us so we grow in the way we relate to ourselves and each other. Mercy begins with ourselves, so be kind, loving, forgiving, move from being stuck in the past to living more gracefully in the present. Amen

Lost from view


(A poem by Linda following the recent death of our Corgi.)

You cannot quite conceive of a future without your beloved.

You struggle to think.

Feelings overwhelm you

Completely unbidden.

You slip in and out of past memories,

Trying to process that final moment

Which will not leave your mind

Yet keeps you caught in the greatest grief.

Nothing has changed,

Except for the loss,

Yet everything is different.

The energy has an odd feel.

Time seems to slow.

And all you can see is your love,

Everywhere, yet nowhere,

Trying to cling on to them

Yet needing to move on,

For you are still alive

And they have gone to a lighter place

Still near

Yet lost from view.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

The Prayer to the Creator God

Prayer to the Creator God Linda Crowhurst 4.1.23

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Heal and save the earth, the seas, the water, the sky, the trees, the clouds, the deserts, the soil, the continents, the planets, every species you have ever loved.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Surround each one of us and every family, community, society,

whether human, animal or mineral, with your love and peace and power to heal.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Pour out your grace upon the whole world 

and may it touch every single thing in your creation, big and small, whether it is a neutrino, an ephemeral electron, a new born child, a single-celled organism, a giraffe, a volcano, a mountain, an iceberg, no matter its shape and size, may everything feel your grace upon it.  

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Fill us with Mercy for the smallest creature to the largest mountain 

And every part of this wondrous planet that we might see the world afresh.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Bless the universe, the stars, the galaxies, the comets, the moons and the suns, the energy and the gravity that holds it all together, may all give honour and praise to God and fill us with the deepest awe.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Teach us the true meaning of the Word of God and help us live more deeply in Your Word and come to understand all living beings and how to live in harmony with them.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Guide us in the way of love that we might nurture and care for our world much  better than right now.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Comfort all of nature in its great need, protect it, heal, it save it, help us to honour it and take care of it as is Your Will.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Help us bear witness to the harm being done to the planet so that we can aim to love and restore it once again, right now.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Fill us with confidence that we might dare to hope for a better, more balanced, cleaner, fresh environment, teaming with life as you made it to be, free from fear and destruction.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Open our hearts with compassion to all your creatures, lead us to care in a better, honest way for all of them,

Save their habitats, restore their numbers, love them for what they are and protect them from harm and extinction.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Bring us to life, save the planet and all You have created from human greed, destruction, ignorance, arrogance and careless mismanagement.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Heal us now, so that we can be better people, make our ways straight, so that we can live in harmony and balance with all of the earth.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Let there be miracles of healing and restoration, of wisdom and a new vision for all of us to live peacefully together. 

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Be with us as we pray for all the lost species, all the damaged waterways, all the overcrowded cities, all the polluted air, the melting ice caps, the impact of climate change, the broken lives, may all be made new.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

.......individual prayer request..........

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Surround us all and the whole world to the end of time and back to the beginning, with Your Love.  Amen

International Day of Forests and new document

Today is a special day to focus on trees which are really under threat.

We are also delighted to share our new document Prayer to the Creator God, which focuses on the threat to existence of us all, if we do not learn to change the way we live.

Please see this powerful document here. We can all pray for change, harmony and balance.

Let Mercy


Let Mercy shine in me

When Mercy touches us, it ignites our heart light. It burns and radiates goodness for all to see and feel. It is beautiful to behold and blesses the world and all in need.

Sunday, 19 March 2023

Let Mercy live in me

Let Mercy live in me

If I live aware of the ever present wonder of God with us, Mercy flies to my heart in every moment of threat, guiding me upon the best path. It blesses all. It brings certainty, clarity, healing, hope, love to the fore.

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Let Mercy sing in me


Let Mercy sing in me

Mercy can bring a lightness of heart. Songs may sing themselves into being. Familiar hymns or tunes can make us shine in a new, happier way. The Spirit also brings song to our lips. May we sing a new song, inspired by Mercy, for Mercy is a perfect moment where we are whole in God and what better way to express that than through the lightness of music and heartfelt singing that comes unbidden to our lips.

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Pain of the Cross

 I came across this old pastel from about 14 years ago. Having carried continual pain for 30 years now all over my head and body, I felt quite moved how I had depicted the shadow on my face as a cross, eloquently shouting out to those with eyes to see, the intense agony of every momentI exist in and my alignment with Christ who saves me, bringing peace, love and mercy to help me endure.
On looking more closely at it, I see how the cross surrounds my eye and therefore my view. I see my life entwined with Christ and His Cross. This is how I make sense of my intense suffering and express my life. It is how I gain insight and revelations from God.

For more art see my art blog:

Let Mercy empower me

Let Mercy empower me

Mercy can empower you to see things differently, to move away from unforgiveness and past hurts, to live in the present more fully and wisely. It can give us new thoughts, new feelings, the deepest inner peace, a true calm. It blesses each day and surprises us in its fullness each moment that we receive it and give it out to others.

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Let Mercy save me


Let Mercy save me

I am saved by Mercy. We are all saved by Mercy, for it flooded out to cover the entire universe and everyone and every thing, in all time and space, from Jesus Christ upon the Cross, His Heart ever-opened and Mercy is therefore always a possibility for everyone.

Thursday, 9 March 2023

When I feel overwhelmed


When I feel overwhelmed by my suffering 

Lord, Still me

When I am hurting

Lord, Soothe me

When I feel ill

Lord Bless me

When I feel alone

Lord Hold me

When I feel abandoned

Lord restore me


Prayer for healing

We pray

We pray for healing

We ask in hope

We beg for a miracle,

Knowing You provide.

We trust You will hear and answer




Let Mercy heal me

Let Mercy heal me

Mercy is healing because when love fills us, a new light shines within us, a new peace resides with us. New thought may be possible. We can take a step toward a more loving position. We can feel good again when it may not have felt it would ever be possible. We are ultimately healed of unforgiveness by Mercy which lifts us out of blame, negation; even the deepest distress can be calmed by it.

Wednesday, 8 March 2023



Grace fills me.

Grace fills me

The light is within me.

I am peace

I am love

I am trust

I am patience

I am truth

I am calm

I am stillness

I am mercy.

Mercy flies to me

I am stilled with His peace.

Tuesday, 7 March 2023


When you choose to follow or deepen your spiritual path, it is good to ask for the Spirit to give you the gift of Discernment. This is an essential gift so that you can trust whether what you hear and see is true and of God or false. It is my discernment that not everything comes from God even if it may seem so on the surface. Remember that God is with you and walks closely by. He will always come to your aid if you ask, which is an incredible reassurance.

When you choose to know God more closely, you come to find that the total Love of the Trinity, the very Heart of Love embraces you. You have the opportunity to come to know the Father, Son and Holy Spirit more intimately. This is a wonderful place to reside.

Ignatius is an inspiration in the matter of spiritual discernment. He helps us to discern whether something feels right.  Ultimately you need to listen to the truth singing in your heart. 

I think it also is essential to pray for spiritual protection in all actions and especially when you pray. The Our Father is our greatest protection, for these words were given to us by Jesus himself and assure us of safe passage and deliverance from evil,

Therefore rejoice in the gift of spiritual discernment for it is a great aid and comfort in difficult times.

Monday, 6 March 2023

Let Mercy


Let Mercy strengthen me

When I feel weak, angry, disillusioned, unforgiving, let mercy strengthen me and my resolve to move ahead lovingly and peacefully. It can lift me above the pain and chaos of confusion and distress and fill me with an altogether newer more balanced, calmer energy, where new possibility and direction exist. May that be so for us all.

Sunday, 5 March 2023



What does it mean to feel renewed? For us it begins with feeling able to open ourselves to new energy and new light. As Mercy touches us it can bring healing and hope. This lays the groundwork for renewal. 

May Lent be a time of healing and hope for us all where we find the energy for new paths and new ways, always held in the Heart of Love, guided by the Spirit, blessed by the Father, accompanied closely by the Son. Amen

Friday, 3 March 2023

Let Mercy renew me


Let Mercy renew me

When Mercy fills us there can be a sense of new energy within us, new life, new direction may feel possible. Suddenly the load we carry feels lighter and not so weighed down with feelings and painful thoughts or rigid views. We can, maybe, with God’s help, take a step forward away from the hurt of the past or choose to let it go, we can take a new direction in life that is more rewarding, hopeful, interesting, exciting, peaceful and different.

Thursday, 2 March 2023


Spiritual protection is very real to those who know God, yet His Power and His Love are awesome and know no bounds. 

When we pray for others, a good spiritual partner, many years ago, advised us it was wise to pray the Our Father before and after praying for otters. The Our Father is the perfect prayer of protection, for asks that we be delivered from all evil. 

This is an interesting phrase, for it acknowledges the reality of evil and it’s presence here, yet it also recognises and affirms that the Power of God is greater still, as it must be, ultimately. 

Thus we can pray in confidence knowing that God is with us, especially in these worrying times, when the world seems to be breaking apart on many levels.

I banish all evil, in Jesus Christ’s name.

In Him I hope and trust. Amen

Lord have Mercy

  Lord Have Mercy On me now Lord have Mercy  On me now Here I am Lord Here I am Here I am lord Here I am Where are you now,  Where a...