Tuesday 7 March 2023


When you choose to follow or deepen your spiritual path, it is good to ask for the Spirit to give you the gift of Discernment. This is an essential gift so that you can trust whether what you hear and see is true and of God or false. It is my discernment that not everything comes from God even if it may seem so on the surface. Remember that God is with you and walks closely by. He will always come to your aid if you ask, which is an incredible reassurance.

When you choose to know God more closely, you come to find that the total Love of the Trinity, the very Heart of Love embraces you. You have the opportunity to come to know the Father, Son and Holy Spirit more intimately. This is a wonderful place to reside.

Ignatius is an inspiration in the matter of spiritual discernment. He helps us to discern whether something feels right.  Ultimately you need to listen to the truth singing in your heart. 

I think it also is essential to pray for spiritual protection in all actions and especially when you pray. The Our Father is our greatest protection, for these words were given to us by Jesus himself and assure us of safe passage and deliverance from evil,

Therefore rejoice in the gift of spiritual discernment for it is a great aid and comfort in difficult times.

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