Saturday, 28 January 2023

Dealing with hurt from the past


Let the past be still now

Let all that is woken be comforted

Let all that is wounded and broken find peace

Let all the hurting memories be healed

Or held at least and blessed in solitude

May they return to where they belong now

Leaving new awareness 

Of ground gained

Life changed

Hope stirred

Love present

Past returned to its place

And put to rest now.

Peace to all

And light to the future

Wrapped in tenderness

Immersed in mercy.


Monday, 23 January 2023

On news of a death

 We honour their passing with sadness

Yet we also temper it with gladness for

The goodness of knowing them.

The memories of connection

The kindnesses along the way

And we pray for their souls, 

That they are filled with peace and grace

And we think of them

With gratitude for every moment spent

And every word remembered

And we hold them in our hearts

Till beyond the ages of ages.

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Things can Change


When no path is visible

And all hope has dimmed

Shine a light for me

To regain the truth 

That all is possible

And things can change. 


Thursday, 19 January 2023

A blessing for today

 My blessing to you

Today I bless the sky
In all its wonder and beauty,
The clouds, the rain, the snow, the hail
I bless the air we take for granted
Each molecule of Oxygen that enables us to breathe
Each molecule of Carbon Dioxide that enables plants to grow
I bless each in breath, may it bring us strength and energy
I bless each out breath, may it bring us peace and healing
I bless the breath that brings life to all
I bless the air, may it be clean and safe
I bless the planet may it survive and prosper
I bless all life
May it rejoice in its being
May all be restored to right balance and harmony.

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

They leave a trail


This poem was written for a much loved cousin but is equally true of every friend and family member we have known who has died. May it bless you.

They leave a trail of love in your heart when they go,

Each one adding together to the many others

Who sing and dance and leave a path of memories in your mind,

Till the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Wrapped in a special golden energy

Their images dance within you

Flashes of kindness, sadness, special words and deeds,

All meaningful, important somehow, precious, 

Come back at unexpected moments,

Tip over into every day feelings,

Run riot with happiness and grief,

Blend your mood with loss and remembering,

Yet touch your life with an urgency

To live

To feel

To dance

To express

To be



More than what you have been.

Whilst there is still time







And recognise

The sacred space

That is your life

And always remember

How they have touched you

How they have helped you

How they have loved you too.

Sunday, 15 January 2023

In need of comfort

 Dear Lord

When there are no words to give comfort to ourselves

 or each other 

Bring us fully into awareness

Of the greatness of Your gift of love to us.

May we understand both the sacrifice

Your made upon the cross

And the power of mercy that flows 

ever from Your Heart,

Restoring all to life. Amen

Prayer for peace


     May peace flood my life

May peace flood my body

May peace flood my mind

May peace sparkle gently within me.

May peace flow out from me

And touch all those I love too.

May they know the peace of God with me

May they find comfort and hope.


Monday, 9 January 2023

Litany of the Heart of Love with new responses


The Litany of the Heart of Love is an ever- evolving prayer. When praying this prayer together it seemed most natural to me to make a response to each phrase. So here we share these new responses, especially for those who might choose to pray it with others.

The Litany of the Heart of Love 

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Surround us with Your love.

R/ May we feel You with us


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Pour out Your grace upon us.

R/ may we receive your Grace in all abundance.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Lead us to Mercy.

R/ May we find Your Mercy ever-present.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Bless our lives in unimagined ways.

R/ May we be absolutely blessed.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Teach us the Word of God.

R/ May we know Your Word.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Guide us in the way of love.

R/ May we follow You.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Comfort us in our need.

R/ May we find solace.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Help us bear all suffering.

R/ May we feel You with us.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Fill us with hope.

R/ May we be utterly filled.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Open our hearts with compassion.

R/ May we be open. 


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Bring us to life.

R/ May we live in You.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Heal us now.

R/ May we receive Your healing now.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Bless us with miracles.

R/ May miracles come.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Be with us as we pray.

R May we feel You with us.


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

.......individual prayer request..........


Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Surround us with Your love. 

R/ May we know You are here with us.



Thursday, 5 January 2023

Sacred Selves Sacred Earth

‘The Heart of Love is not just about us and God but about everything held in God too; every plant, every flower, every insect, every bird, every fish and mammal, every rock, every grain of sand, is also held in the Love and Power of the Trinity and is sacred too.’

We are proud to announce a new webpage inviting you to explore with us the sacredness of the earth and the universe.

Tuesday, 3 January 2023

New Way forward: Glorious Creation Video

The Heart of Love is not just about us and God but about everything held in God too; every plant, every flower, every insect, every bird, every fish and mammal, every rock, every grain of sand, is also held in the Love and Power of the Trinity and is sacred too. 

So how can we develop a more sacred, prayerful awareness of our environment and everyone and everything in it?  

We can flow from the truth of our faith, to aim to live a more congruent caring, care-filled life, centred in the Heart of Love, becoming aware of every interaction with the living world as well as focussing on our own sacred selves and others.

Noticing and growing in awareness is a first step, perhaps. Taking time to see what is before and around us.  


We would like to share a new video for the New Year: Glorious Creation:




Sunday, 1 January 2023

A New Year

 A new year.

Everyone of the days ahead can be an opportunity to care, to reach out in kindness and love, to each other and to our whole suffering, crying , ravaged, planet.
Every day ahead will either leave you feeling better or worse at the end of it.
Just a moment's kind thought or a word, or an action, all can save the day and bring untold blessings.
An act of kindness, a smile that brightens up a moment, a situation transformed, a generous action, a supportive word, these things bring life, beauty and wonder to the world .
In everyone of the days ahead, it is you who can make all the difference.

A Blessing for the breath of life.

 Let us start the new year with a blessing. When we bless it lifts our spirits, brings light and goodness into any situation or circumstance. May your year wholeheartedly be blessed.

A blessing for the breath of life


Today I bless the sky

In all its wonder and beauty

The clouds the rain the snow the hail

I bless the air we take for granted

Each molecule of Oxygen that enables us to breathe

Each molecule of Carbon Dioxide that enables plants to grow

I bless each in breath, may it bring us strength and energy

I bless each out breath, may it bring us peace and healing

I bless the breath that brings life to all

I bless the air, may it be clean and safe

I bless the planet may it survive and prosper

I bless all life

May it rejoice in its being

May all be restored to right balance and harmony


New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...