Tuesday, 3 January 2023

New Way forward: Glorious Creation Video

The Heart of Love is not just about us and God but about everything held in God too; every plant, every flower, every insect, every bird, every fish and mammal, every rock, every grain of sand, is also held in the Love and Power of the Trinity and is sacred too. 

So how can we develop a more sacred, prayerful awareness of our environment and everyone and everything in it?  

We can flow from the truth of our faith, to aim to live a more congruent caring, care-filled life, centred in the Heart of Love, becoming aware of every interaction with the living world as well as focussing on our own sacred selves and others.

Noticing and growing in awareness is a first step, perhaps. Taking time to see what is before and around us.  


We would like to share a new video for the New Year: Glorious Creation:





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