Saturday, 9 July 2022

Living the Mystery of Hope; a new article


We are delighted that the July/August Edition of the Faith Companion has an article by us called Living the mystery of Hope.

Here is a short extract from the article:

‘In order to find hope, particularly  in the most desperate of places Christ teaches us to see with new eyes,  to hear with new ears. It may feel as if things are dire and getting worse, yet in God we can always find Hope. We  may never be able to define hope but we can feel it and  live in its mystery.

When all roads seem empty, even when light is fading, may we hold on with all strength to hope, not the hope of achievement or the hope of gaining something specific, but much more than that; let us hold on to the hope that God brings to us,  to the inner peace, not of the world and  to the fundamental sense of our internal goodness, of life, of love, of beauty.’

For people unable to afford to purchase the Faith Companion it is possible to subscribe for a free  E-copy.

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