Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Light of the World

 Oh Holy Eucharist, the Light of the World,

Live in us

Jesus Christ himself tells us that He is the Light of the World

How can we live without light? We all need light for life. Life is not possible with out the light and Jesus knows this. He is the Light. He is life itself and He has come to shine that light in the world that we may all be drawn to him and receive His sustenance, for the Light comforts, the Light restores, the Light illuminates, the Light heals, the Light blesses and enables growth. The Light shines radiant and true for all to see. And reveals in that Light that Jesus is the Son of God, come to reunite us with Love itself, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 

When Jesus tells us that He is the Light of the World, when we see and know this to be true it sets a sparks inside our hearts on fire. Our own small light responds. 

In Him there is no darkness. In Him we can know that all He does and all He says is true. For Light cannot lie. It only illuminates and reveals and what it reveals to us is the Word of God, made manifest in the world and that Word shines brightly in our hearts and sings sweetly upon our lips. The light in Christ blesses, transfigured, shines, heals, brings goodness and purity, hope and love. And the feeling it brings is joy,  upliftment, trust, happiness, is all that is beautiful and true. 

And so we give thanks for the Light of The World that blesses us and shows us the true path to follow, lit by God Himself, who is all goodness and whose light is so pure that it can be recognised and seen, especially in the darkest of places!

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