Sunday, 1 May 2022

Infinite Mercy


Oh Holy Eucharist, Infinite Mercy 

                                                                                         Live in us

Mercy is all. Mercy heals all. Mercy is pure Love. It flows from the Heart of Love and is seen most radically upon the Cross of Our Lord. His Heart, broken open by the Spear, symbolises love reaching out beyond time and space, beyond death. Jesus is the embodiment of all Mercy, holding us and saving us, forgiving us and freeing us for life eternal, in oneness with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We give thanks then, that even as physically broken as Jesus was, in intense agony unto death, yet still He loved us and was Mercy for us all for evermore, the Power of which enabled Him to pick up His life once more at the incredible moment of the Resurrection. For love returns to love more powerfully than it is given out and a life that serves, that loves in utter totality and oneness with the Father and the Spirit, cannot but be saved! Thus Mercy was released into all time and we were all given a path of healing and forgiveness in our own life time. Praise God indeed! All we need do is open our hearts to receive the blessing of Mercy!

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