Thursday, 11 February 2021

Death of a friend

 It is always a massive loss when a long term friend dies. The days are filled with odd memories and flashes of images and conversations, long forgotten, suddenly important once more. Sadness can overwhelm you at unexpected moments.Though we believe that the person who dies is held lovingly in the Heart of the Trinity, it is still necessary to grieve the physical loss. It is here that we turn to God in moments of grief or despair, trusting in His unfailing Love to sustain us and carry us through, believing that His Light will remind us of all that is good still remaining in the world to bless our days.

What can I do

When all is taken from me,

Even hope?

I can wait.

I can trust.

I can remain open

To goodness

And a perfect way forward,

Within the darkness,

Set aside only for me,

That will ignite a tiny flicker of light

In my heart

And set me surely on a new path 



May every blessing ever made

Reach you in your distress 

May every blessing sent to you

Curl round you in a loving embrace

May every blessing ever spoken

Whisper words of love and strength

To carry you through the bleakest days

May every blessing bless you now!

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