Sunday, 14 February 2021

A reassuring message

At this time of struggle, with so many difficult issues to deal with especially the threat of catching a life-threatening, invisible  virus, it is important to try and hold on to hope. Praying can be a comfort, though we do not always know how those prayers are answered or necessarily have confidence that they have been heard. It is reassuring at such times of doubt or stress or great need, that you can turn to the messages Jesus himself gave us whilst on the Earth.

We trust in His Word, for it is wholly good and lifts our hearts. He tells us to pray in His name. He reassures us that He had to leave us on Earth so that the Holy Spirit can come and be with us and bring us His messages (John 16) and He reassures us that if we pray in His name the Father will give us what we ask for. What hope we have when the Holy Spirit comes to be with us and inspires us in our prayer. What trust we have that we are surrounded by the love of the Father. What grace is upon us if we pray in absolute faith in the Name of Jesus.

So what does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus?  This is surely something to contemplate deeply.

We believe it is to truly enter into the energy and love of Christ; to be in oneness with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to come from spiritual discernment in prayer, to be humble of heart and flow with love not fear. It may take us a life time to truly learn how to pray in His name, allowing the power and love of all Three to flow through us and touch the situation or person we pray for. 

It is surely a journey of discovery, how to truly pray in the name of Jesus and allow your own self to be open fully to the Heart of Love as you pray. All pride and ownership must be let go of then, for it is truly God with you, working through you, bringing the miraculous to the the impossible, to the hopelessness, to the helplessness of our lives.

We must each find our own way to live in Christ, to immerse ourselves in the Trinity, to pray not as we want, but as He is. Amen

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