Friday, 10 April 2020

Why is the Cross so important?

Why is the cross so important?

The Cross is a pivotal moment in all time and space, when immanence and transcendence collide.

What is immanence and transcendence?

Immanence is life here and now, transcendence is life eternal. It is God with us here and God with us beyond time and space.

Why is it not possible to avoid the cross and its message?

To try and avoid, deny or ignore the cross is to misunderstand the meaning of Love and God’s presence through tremendous suffering. It is to not recognise or to misunderstand the possibility of Mercy that flows from this dire place and the promise of life beyond it.

Did Christ fail?

Some people say Christ failed in His mission? They see the cross as failure. 
I say no, Christ did not fail. He clearly states His path and His intention throughout the Gospels. It was a choice that he clearly made, with the intention of picking His life up again. He knew God’s plan. He repeatedly tells us, ‘Do not be afraid.’
This choice, He makes, is a point of Power, despite the horrendous agony to be endured. He wants us to know that there is a greater purpose than what is visible on the Cross.
Everything points to the Passion in the Gospel readings. Every story has a message in it, about what is coming, if only you have eyes to see and ears to hear, a heart to feel it.

Everything leads to the Cross.
Everything proceeds from the Cross.

What is Reconciliation, Healing and Mercy?

These three things - Reconciliation, Healing and Mercy work together from the Cross. They interweave. All our pain and suffering, hurt, injustice, wounding, is held in the Heart of Jesus Christ on the Cross, all pain felt by Him for all time. All is taken in upon Him, by Him, with God’s strength and Love invisibly holding Him. Instead of bitterness, anger, indignation, desire for revenge, Love is given back, Mercy is released into the whole world and its Healing becomes a possibility.

This is the revelation of the Heart of Love:
Christ on the Cross. 
The Father holding him in a circle of Love.
The Holy Spirit being released more fully into the world.

All Three working together in unison, spreading Mercy, Love, Forgiveness, Healing, Reconciliation for all that is wrong, bringing new life and hope: one Heart, Three Being in Oneness. The Heart of Love, pure, total, ever present, all encompassing healing Love.

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