Sunday, 3 November 2024


It feels good to know that we can ask God for protection, to shield us from all that assaults us, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, to know that that power of spiritual protection is real, almost tangible to feel and will keep us on a straight path.

For God's promise is that He is with us!

The greatest and well known prayer of protection is the Our Father, the unique and amazing prayer shared with us by the Son as he prayed to His Father in heaven.

Let us always remember that when we too ask for help, when we need comfort, when we need saving, when we need Mercy, He will come to our aid in a unique and wonderful way, for how can God not give, when we ask for his support? 

For He is love and that love is everlasting and knows no bounds.


Prayer of protection

Lord I need protection,
So much assails me daily.
Help me to know that
You will always provide it,
That angels guard me,
That You love me,
And that all will somehow be well

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