Thursday, 14 November 2024

Praise and thanks

Praise is easier on a happy sunny day. It is harder to engage with when struggling with existence on a daily basis.

Praise however lifts us up into the light, the love, the sweetness, the harmony, the goodness, the power of God.

Praise can transform a difficult moment by reminding us of a higher reality and helping us to reengage with what is important God’s love, which creates and holds us in this fragile moment.

Sunday, 10 November 2024



How pure is the love of God

When you open your heart

Without fear or trepidation

And find yourself at home in the Oneness of Love!


New hope needed

Lord, I cling to you 

In my need

I do not know how to bear

The indescribable suffering 

Of my life

Renew and strengthen me

Save me from my distress

Protect me and fill me

With new hope


Sunday, 3 November 2024

New short prayer

 Lord, May your healing energy flow through me as I pray. 

May it bring, peace, hope, restoration, renewal, comfort, relief, peace, protection, safety. 



It feels good to know that we can ask God for protection, to shield us from all that assaults us, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, to know that that power of spiritual protection is real, almost tangible to feel and will keep us on a straight path.

For God's promise is that He is with us!

The greatest and well known prayer of protection is the Our Father, the unique and amazing prayer shared with us by the Son as he prayed to His Father in heaven.

Let us always remember that when we too ask for help, when we need comfort, when we need saving, when we need Mercy, He will come to our aid in a unique and wonderful way, for how can God not give, when we ask for his support? 

For He is love and that love is everlasting and knows no bounds.


Prayer of protection

Lord I need protection,
So much assails me daily.
Help me to know that
You will always provide it,
That angels guard me,
That You love me,
And that all will somehow be well

Saturday, 2 November 2024

New Article published in the Faith Companion :Praying with Integrity,


We are happy to say that we have had another article published in the Faith Companion. It concerns praying for those who have intractable long term illness, to ensure people are listening and flowing with the Spirit in their prayers, rather than from their own intentions.

When you are seriously ill, long term, one of your most
important needs, when you share your experience, is to feel
heard, respected, accepted and validated, just where you
and for who you are.

Even if a person cannot fully understand or comprehend your situation, they can still value your perspective.
Empathy comes from a longing to know the other and speak truly of their need.
How often, though, does this truly happen..........?

We have just published an article in "The Faith Companion" magazine, exploring this issue, in the context of prayer, for spiritual support is so important, stressing the need to really LISTEN and HEAR the person, rather than issue religious platitudes or respond with prayers for healing that only end up making the person feel their faith is not strong enough, that the reason they do not get miraculously well is that they are not trying hard enough.

It's quite a hard hitting piece, we feel strongly, however, based very much on Linda's recent terrifying experience of going into hospital, but also decades of people just not taking the time to listen and HEAR, that it about time these things were said.

Here is the link to the full article:

And here is a link to The Faith Companion magazine:

Here is our Holy Way webpage : 

New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...