Sunday, 21 July 2024

Light of Life

Today I have been contemplating on Christ as the Light of the world and what it means for me. It is a wonderful Truth that brings me an inner joy that is hard to describe. This is a central Truth to knowing and being in relationship with Jesus: that he is Light. What does this actually mean? It probably means different things to us all. What is important that Christ's Light is pure and leads us to Truth. It shows us the Way to Love and as Light is energy it is a very real medium for feeling and knowing and truly experiencing the presence of God.

When we do not know what to do, we can ask Christ to come closer - to shine His Light for us. We can ask that the Truth of a situation be illumined for us by His Presence. We can hold people and situations, ourselves even, in this very real presence of Light and feel it make a difference to our lives and those of the people we pray for. We can ask to see Christ more clearly in our daily life.

We may experience His Light differently, but we can be sure of His Presence and that His Light is real. We can know that we will be touched in some radiant way by asking Christ into our lives. The impact may be subtle, perhaps a lifting of feeling, a strengthening of spirit, a clarity of vision, a lighting of the way to go, or more dramatic - a radical answer to prayer, a miracle of healing and hope, a transformation of a situation beyond our wildest dreams.

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