Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Help me to know

Help me to know

How to forgive

Help me to know

How to let go

Help me to know

That healing is possible

Help me to know

That You are with me

And that I can truly forgive.


Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Heal me

Lord heal me

Lord touch my life

Lord renew me

Lord give me the gift of life 

Now and forever


Sunday, 28 July 2024

The brokenheartedness

I carry the broken-heartedness within me.

It lies heavy in my being.

So many countless losses

So many tortured moments.

So broken on every level for decades.

Yet still there is love

There are blessings,

There is joy

There is progress

Yet always in the context

Of never ending pain

And multiple daily inabilities 


To most


Even to those who care.



Let your Peace

Enter now

And here remain.


Friday, 26 July 2024

Pray with me

Lord,  pray with me

So that when I pray

I pray fully

In the Power of

Your Holy name

Lots Jesus Christ


Thursday, 25 July 2024

God everywhere


This is where God and I meet! The fields, the sky are my cathedral. It's here I find the deepest peace, answers, ideas, songs, inspiration, the silence.

Comfort us


Comfort us in our frailty and weakness

Shine Your great light oh Lord,

To guide us through every trial


Tuesday, 23 July 2024



May we notice the many blessings in our lives

The many tender gifts we have been given by You

To lighten our burdens and lift us up into light.


Prayer of Light

 Let us ask that Christ will shine His light in our lives this day and always, bringing us the gifts of the Spirit to bless us and everyone we know and pray for.

Let us ask that beauty, Love and Truth be illumined in the world and lead to hope and transformation, 

Let us ask to experience His Light and feel the radiance of His healing Light touch our lives. 

Let us celebrate that Christ is the Light of the world and that Light is with us now and always. Amen,

Monday, 22 July 2024

Fill me


Let Your Light 

Fill me


Let Your light

Illuminate my path


Let Your light

Transfigure my life


Can You Feel It: a new video song

Greg has made this beautiful song and recorded it. The guitar playing is exquisite. I have drawn the simple pictures with one finger on my iPad. We hope it blesses you. I really love this song and the healing prayerful words that come from Greg’s heart.

Sunday, 21 July 2024

Light of Life

Today I have been contemplating on Christ as the Light of the world and what it means for me. It is a wonderful Truth that brings me an inner joy that is hard to describe. This is a central Truth to knowing and being in relationship with Jesus: that he is Light. What does this actually mean? It probably means different things to us all. What is important that Christ's Light is pure and leads us to Truth. It shows us the Way to Love and as Light is energy it is a very real medium for feeling and knowing and truly experiencing the presence of God.

When we do not know what to do, we can ask Christ to come closer - to shine His Light for us. We can ask that the Truth of a situation be illumined for us by His Presence. We can hold people and situations, ourselves even, in this very real presence of Light and feel it make a difference to our lives and those of the people we pray for. We can ask to see Christ more clearly in our daily life.

We may experience His Light differently, but we can be sure of His Presence and that His Light is real. We can know that we will be touched in some radiant way by asking Christ into our lives. The impact may be subtle, perhaps a lifting of feeling, a strengthening of spirit, a clarity of vision, a lighting of the way to go, or more dramatic - a radical answer to prayer, a miracle of healing and hope, a transformation of a situation beyond our wildest dreams.

In darkness

In darkness

Let there be light

In hopelessness

Let there be hope

In pain

Let us find relief

In doubt

Let truth be revealed.


Saturday, 20 July 2024

The Bleakest place


The Bleakest place is where the Light of Hope dawns. It is light in the wilderness, unexpected, unimaginable, that saves us from despair and death.

Difficulties and disappointments


Help us find hope, when hope seems to have gone

Help us remain close to you

Despite all difficulties and disappointments.


Too much to bear


Lord, when it all gets too much to bear

Please help us know that you are still there

With us

And you understand.


May God

May God

Who is all good

Bring all goodness

To bear

On my life

And my needs.


Friday, 19 July 2024


Lord I trust you

Deliver me

Lord I trust You

Save me

Lord I trust You

Help me

Lord I trust you

Guide me

Lord I trust You

Heal me.



 Lord, let your Hope shine bright in me.


Help us know

 Help us know

With abdolute certainty

That you are here with us

Now and ever present,

The radiant Light of Life.


Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Let us Be Still


In stillness we can find greater peace, take a moment to focus on God with you, push all fears, doubts and pressures away. Find Light and a renewed sense of self and hope for the day,


Saturday, 13 July 2024

Unable to pray


Thank you to everyone who prays for us. I have written a short prayer:
When you feel unable to pray or lack confidence and clarity in your prayers due to the enormity of your circumstances, trust and hold faith in those who can pray for you.
Remember you are loved and precious and God surrounds you always with His perfect light. Therefore give thanks and hold on to the truth of His Love. Amen

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Friday, 5 July 2024

Love Unbound, a wonderful book review.

Love Unbound

We have just received a wonderful review for Love Unbound for which we are seeking to gain an Imprimatur,  from Kathy Bishop of the Faith Companion, in the latest edition of her magazine.

Short  excerpt, see the full review on HolywsyWebsite

“ In my view this book is one of our 

Traditions’ greatest treasures. ‘ Love Unbound’ 

is only available at

the moment online through Linda

and Gregs website, Holyway.3.

Please pray that this book receives

the imprimatur from the Church and

that it will be widely published.”

Reviewed By Kathy Bishop


Kathy Bishop OPL is

founder and editor-in-chief of The

Faith Companion. She is a Lay Domin-

ican who has a BA(Hons) in RE and an

MA in Pastoral Theology specializing

in Christian Spirituality. Kathy is also a

qualified spiritual director and retreat

giver who trained at the London Cen-

tre for Spiritual Direction. She can be

contacted via thefaithcompanion@ or via the website www.

Thursday, 4 July 2024

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Turn to Prayer

Let us turn to prayer and communion with each other and the Lord, when life is hard and difficulties continually present themselves. Let us beg God to free us from distress and comfort us in our limitations, help us find blessings and hope and a way through every struggle to a brighter place of peacefulness where connection is possible so that we can rise above all the trials that challenge us daily. Amen.

New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...