Tuesday, 11 June 2024

The only way is through

Surely the greatest service you can give someone, especially someone horrendously ill and profoundly disabled, is to care, really care. That, in our experience , means three things :

First it means your ability and willingness to listen with every part of you to the other person, mind, body, emotion, spirit.

Never negate their reality or their experience.

Second it means to fully understand, as much as you are able to do, what the other person is telling you and what their needs are on the deepest possible levels.

Have an open heart and a willingness to listen and learn.

Third it means your capacity to respond, to touch another’s soul, one human to another, with light, creativity, insight, joy, kindness, warmth and love.

God gives us many gifts and opportunities to grow in using them. Let us open ourselves to God’s purpose, and that is Love.

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