Saturday, 11 May 2024

 In the absence of church is the fullness of God for those with Faith who suffer and are excluded or find church completely inaccessible. When you can’t engage with others, you can fully engage with God in a beautiful mystical union.

There comes a point in some people’s lives when suffering becomes so great that other people, despite their best efforts, cannot help you. This is the point at which their relationship with God can expand and fill them with unexpected and unimaginable graces. It may be hard to imagine, before you reach that point, how you could possibly cope, survive or unbelievably, grow personally and spiritually in such circumstances. Yet this is indeed what has been demanded of us and revealed to us, after 30 years of intolerable and interminable physical pain and suffering, that goes way beyond most normal experience or expectations of chronic illness in most people’s lives. Shut away by degrees till the outside world has become completely inaccessible and any normal interaction an impossible deteriorative nightmare, we have learned to seek solace in God. We have gained great insight into the suffering of the Cross and the awesome Power of the Trinity, who are there revealed in splendour, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, who have been revealed to us as The Heart of Love, for their is no greater Love available in the Universe, the total love of the Holy Trinity. It is everywhere to be sought and found. It is freely offered. It is waiting lovingly to be received. We have also relied heavily on the Power of the Our Father, the prayer that flowed from Jesus lips and taught us about the Love of the Father. There is no greater source of spiritual protection than to pray this prayer, which Carrie’s us through every trial and brings hope and strength of safe passage through each challenge we face in life. It has come to sing in our hearts.

Through endless pain without relief and continual incapacity, a focus on prayer has blessed us. Rather than feeling abandoned by God as suffering consumed us, we have been filled with the Spirit and listened for God to guide us. This led us to create our website Holy Way, which reflects the spiritual journey we encounter with God. Yes we struggle. We are human. We may doubt. We may cry our in despair, yet when we have placed our hearts in trust in the Heart of Love, no matter how frightening and desperate the path, God has strengthened and touched our lives and helped us find a path through the seemingly impossible.

The website we have created concerns transformation and transfiguration. It does not deny the harshness of suffering. Neither does it pretend that everything is wonderful when you suffer in God. Neither would be true. Suffering is agony, intolerable moments, desperate need and hopelessness. Yet where love resides hope too exists and light can be found even if only a chink so tiny it can barely be seen. We struggle and fall, yet we return our gaze inwards and towards to God. Blessings abound in this place, we have found. God helps us endure. We find we can reach out to others in need. Our hearts expand. Our prayer life deepens. Love is complete in a circle of faith that ultimately encompasses us all. We find our path a moment at a time. Sometimes we feel stuck in a seemingly unendurable moment, yet with God we can persevere. With God, light shines even in the bleakest place despite the pain and more than that, we find our path is sacred as we entwine ourselves in the Trinity. We walk the Holy Way.

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