Sunday, 25 February 2024

The Fourth Dimension



The iron in our blood, the calcium in our bones, the oxygen in our lungs were all forged in stars that lived and died, billions of years ago, long before the sun in our sky was born. 

Truly, we are “stardust made flesh”. 

We live in not just three, but at least four, dimensions. 

Every movement you make, no matter how slight, generates invisible ripples in the fourth dimension, space time. For example, wave your hand in the air and the gravitational waves you generated will already have passed the Moon and be on their way to Mars, forever radiating out through the Universe, stretching and shrinking space, a place seething with energy due to quantum fluctuations, subatomic particles and antiparticles popping into brief existence.

In about four years time your energy will have reached our nearest star, Alpha Centauri.

(Ref: The One Thing You Need To Know

How amazing we are alive in this Universe!

Sometimes it’s good, as I was saying yesterday, to look up.

Spend too much time dwelling on the past may leave you feeling sad, regretful, disconnected . Looking ahead can be far too worrying, depressing, unsettling.

What about the present?

Well, what about it, when you are as ill as my wife and every second is unbearable?

If I was to ask my wife to wave her hand in the air, most likely that would be impossible, she is so ill and so paralysed. To do anything at all she has to consciously plan out how to make it happen, if she can. 

Carried away by enthusiasm, for I love all things astronomical, if I was to suddenly try to demonstrate gravitational wave theory to her, by waving my hand, the movement would most likely destroy her, sending her into paralysis and intense burning throbbing pain and literally losing her thoughts instantaneously.

In terms of space and time, my wife has long lived terrifyingly close to the edge of existence, clinging onto life through massive will power and sheer determination, in order to create a life, for her, for us, no matter how tiny and restricted.

She tells me how, whether it is to try and move her fingers and toes or to make anything at all happen, she sends out energy ahead. She visualises it as a kind of “egg”, expanding forwards.

Truly it is pure love and light, for I am enwrapped in it. It gives our life enormous meaning and purpose.

When the present moment is far too painful or impossible to be in, that is when you have to rise above it, Linda explains to me, and see the past, present and future as a whole, knowing there is a bigger picture here.

Through decades of agony, contemplation and prayer, Linda has learned to call this place of seeing and being “The Heart Of Love”.

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