Thursday, 28 December 2023


When fear attacks, it can be completely incapacitating, feels awful and can literally feel painful.

When I feel overwhelmed with fear, I need to look to love to balance and console me. I need to banish it in Jesus name.

I say:

 I banish all fear in Jesus name.

I live in hope and trust in Him.. Amen

This is a powerful prayer for me when fear assaults me. I place my hand in front of my heart facing outwards to banish it and push my hand away as if pushing the fear away too.
I find it helps me.

I also wrote a poem about fear, when I felt overwhelmed with it and felt horrendous, completely incapacitating me, at the beginning of the covid pandemic.i needed to look at the present moment and see there was nothing to fear in my immediate space. I needed to look at beauty and affirm the power of love.

The poem is called ‘The stars are not afraid’.

When I am overwhelmed 

and incapacitated by fear

I focus on all that is good, 

all that is safe, 

all that is true right now.

I see the beauty of nature 

surrounding me,

as Spring unfurls.

Whether I am outside or trapped indoors,

I think of the trees.

They stand glowing,

As buds burst into new life,

A promise of blossom,

then an abundance of fruit, yet to come.

They tell me, they are not afraid.

Spring is coming in.

Nothing can stop the slow, steady progress

Of their growth toward the light.

When I feel fear staring me in the face,

Blocking my senses,

Tearing at my mind,

Whispering unhelpful possibilities,

I look up and out upon the stars.

I tell myself

that they are not afraid of falling from the sky.

Their light still shines

From a billion light years away

To reach me in the gathering gloom.

When I feel fear grasping at my heart,

I look to you 

and see you

Standing before me,

Arms open wide

Loving me,

Caring for me,

Affirming me,

Helping me stay strong.

Against all fear,

We stand together.

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