Wednesday, 31 May 2023

The Wonder of Pentecost



Love, dancing like fire. Have you ever written a song, whispered softly, known the peace, known just what to do? Have you ever discovered the courage flowing in you like a river? Have you ever stepped up, made a difference, lit a brave candle in the dark? Have you ever weeped?
Can you feel it? The power, the passion, the freedom, the joy, the wonder, when we flow with each other, with the birds, the plants, the trees, the stars and planets, the waves, each sunshine dappled new day, the rain , the wild wind and the pounding heartbeat of the universe ?
Have you ever looked up in awe? Have you ever cried out for help and found the healing?
This is Pentecost.

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

No matter how desperate


No matter how desperate your situation,

May you find peace,
May it help you bear the unbearable,
May it help you tolerate the intolerable,
May it help you hold on to life,
May it strengthen you,
May it comfort you,
May it surround you
And fill you with love.

Monday, 29 May 2023


Can you feel the Power of God at work at Pentecost? Open your hearts to receive His Spirit. Flow in the ever present awesome energy of Love and Mercy that flows out from the Cross for all time. 

Let us rejoice in the coming of the Spirit. Than trust in His guidance. Feel alive in your whole being. Let love help you transcend all suffering and still find hope, that ignites possibility, brings you to new understanding, blesses you forever more. Amen


I am struck by how hard we are on ourselves : "Oh, if only you knew how I really am..." "If only you knew my many failings, if only you knew my thoughts..." "It's all a show, I am a fraud through and through, how could anyone , if they REALLY knew me, love me ?"

Be tender, be gentle to yourself, let your love and your light shine, be free of all that negative self judgement and self flagellation!
Tenderness is at the heart of survival in the situation that we find ourselves in and tenderness is at the heart of caring .
The tenderness we are talking about, within the context of unspeakable pain, irritability, hypersensitivity ,struggle, is ultimately like the tenderness and vision of a child, trusting that all will be well, trusting in growth, trusting in love, trusting in goodness, trusting in God-with-us.

Each moment is an opportunity to regard each other in tenderness, despite our suffering.
Each moment is an opportunity for a sacred, healing moment of connection.

Sunday, 28 May 2023

Stillness, a very holy moment

A video on the peace that comes from being still in nature.

May you find time to be still and find oneness with your environment and know the peace of God. Amen

Saturday, 27 May 2023

My Greatest Learning


Here we share a video Greg made about the joy and peace you can find just sitting still on a bench.

If you can find time to be still and soak up the peace of now, may it fill you and bless you. Amen

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Beautifully illustrated new song

This beautiful song is written and played by Greg. He is multitalented. He drew the beautiful vibrant coloured drawings too, please do take a look and make a comment if you like it. Thanks.

Thursday, 18 May 2023

Day 17 Creator God Day 17


Day 17

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Surround us all and the whole world to the end of time and back to the beginning, with Your Love.  Amen

Help us not to feel that all is hopeless and that we are individually or collectively too small, insignificant and helpless to make the needed changes. Help us to see the urgency and always act with integrity and a compassionate heart, in the best interest of all. Amen

Later on in the year we will hopefully publish a course of reflections and questions based on the Creator God.

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Day 16 Creator God


Day 16

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

.......individual prayer request..........

Here we take time to reflect on our own situation and ask God to help us see how we can make a positive difference and save us all ultimately.

Monday, 15 May 2023

Day 15 Creator God


Day 15

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Be with us as we pray for all the lost species, all the damaged waterways, all the overcrowded cities, all the polluted air, the melting ice caps, the impact of climate change, the broken lives, may all be made new.

Let our hearts break and our tears unleash to recognise and grieve the lost lives, the beautiful creatures now gone or at risk of forever being extinct, due to our careless management of the bounty and resources you have given us freely. Let our tears wash the world clean of all hatred and greed. Let a new path of cooperation open up to save our planet and future generations of both  human and animal kingdoms. Let us honour and respect nature. Help us us bring harmony to the world in all we do. May tomorrow carry more hope and less fear for the whole of creation.

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Day 14


Day 14

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Let there be miracles of healing and restoration, of wisdom and a new vision for all of us to live peacefully together. 

Surely we can raise our gaze higher and look for a new direction, new wisdom for how to love and cherish the earth and all who live in it, plants, insects, trees, animals, the very beautiful awesome mountains, rivers, seas, skies, the weather, all are alive with energy and deserve to be honoured. Let us ask for miracles, a change of vision, a commitment to healing, to compassion, to understanding, to peace, a humility when we look at all of nature and a commitment to tread carefully and walk gently into a better future in all our environments, respecting all the universe. Amen.

Friday, 12 May 2023

New Article in the Faith Companion.

“ When death comes to the one’s we love

Lord comfort us in our loss,

Console us in our grief, 

Give us the strength to carry on,

We ask in faith. Amen “

We are delighted that the Faith Companion has published our article, ‘Reflecting on the fullness of a hidden life’ in its Faith in Action section.

It is a reflection on how to include the hidden housebound in honouring the lives of loved ones at funerals and includes poems and prayers that we hope will touch people’s lives.

It is now available as a print copy as well as online as an e copy.

We will also be publishing it soon on Holyway, so please watch out for it.

Sunday, 7 May 2023

Day 13 creator God


Day 13

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Heal us now, so that we can be better people, make our ways straight, so that we can live in harmony and balance with all of the earth.

Lord we carry such woundedness in our lives. So many devastations are impacting people. There are wars, deadly diseases,  destructive natural phenomena. The sea level is rising. The water and air is polluted. Nature is overwhelming us leaving destruction in its path, from Tsunami’s, tornadoes, earthquakes, huge storms, flooding on a grand scale. People are being made homeless. Help us see how to work together to make a better, safer world, where we honour nature and respect every living creature as well as the earth, the sky, the sea.

Friday, 5 May 2023

Creator God Day 12


Day 12

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Bring us to life, save the planet and all You have created from human greed, destruction, ignorance, arrogance and careless mismanagement.

We hope it is not too late to change the terrifying destruction we will witness in our lifetimes, unless we take action to respect all life and all creation. We have already wrought so much destruction that is truly shocking and sad beyond words. Bless every creature, every stone, every rock, every structure, every home, every person. May all our ways be made straight. Lord save us now, guide us now, help us act now, to save the Earth and all our communities.

Thursday, 4 May 2023

Day 11 Creator God


Day 11

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Open our hearts with compassion to all your creatures, lead us to care in a better, honest way, for all of them,

Save their habitats, restore their numbers, love them for what they are and protect them from harm and extinction.

Lord, you know all the harm that has been and continues to be done to nature. You know the future, for your view is far reaching. You know how we can change. Open our eyes to see. Open our ears to hear. Open our hearts to love. Lord, help us to help all your beloved creatures. Let us rejoice in their beauty, not selfishly, greedily or dispassionately kill them or destroy their habitats. Guide us in new ways. Affirm all that is good and hopeful. Help us change, Lord, before it is too late.

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Let us bless the sky

 Today I bless the sky

In all its wonder and beauty,
The clouds, the rain, the snow, the hail
I bless the air we take for granted
Each molecule of Oxygen that enables us to breathe
Each molecule of Carbon Dioxide that enables plants to grow
I bless each in breath, may it bring us strength and energy
I bless each out breath, may it bring us peace and healing
I bless the breath that brings life to all
I bless the air, may it be clean and safe
I bless the planet may it survive and prosper
I bless all life
May it rejoice in its being
May all be restored to right balance and harmony.

Day 10 Creator God

 Day 10

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Creator

Fill us with confidence that we might dare to hope for a better, more balanced, cleaner, fresh environment, teaming with life as you made it to be, free from fear and destruction.

Oh Lord, help us to see what needs doing in our lives, environments, countries, continents and how it might peacefully be achieved. Give us the strength to face the future and change its outcome to a more peaceful, harmonious, protected, balanced world where we honour nature and recognise our part in its demise and destruction. Give us hope and eyes to see. Gives us wisdom to know what we can do. Help us be honest about the changes we must all make. Guide us ever in the way of healing and love. Help us be true to your way which is always Love and Mercy.

New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...