Saturday, 3 December 2022

We dance around the impossible.


We dance around the impossible.

This is the context in which we live.
We do not know whether a word will be tolerated, a touch will be bearable, a look will be possible, a shared moment of joy achievable. The physical, mental and emotional obstacles to connection we have to deal with create an almost impenetrable barrier.
Yet still we hope, still we seek answers, still we persevere, held by a bond of oneness.
Here we have to find compassion and understanding for each other, which sometimes may feel or seem lost; though truly, it is only out of sight.
For the person who cares and is forced to wait, by circumstance rather than inability, living with the person who cannot do anything at all, can be extremely difficult.
The simplest easy thing cannot be done, cannot be said. You are dragged into an unnatural slowing and stillness of everything.
To really comprehend this place is incredibly challenging, if ever totally possible.
Many do not always bother to try, however the inevitable destruction that follows, if you don’t, is devastating.
The person’s difficulties become your difficulties too.
You have to find a way to accommodate them. Nothing can be done simply, freely, easily, as it should be or would appear to be,
Nothing is predictable, tolerable or easily received; the level of impact is unknown in advance.
How does anyone see the invisible?
How do you sense and feel what cannot be spoken or conveyed?
Yet you have to attempt to, when you live with someone who is profoundly disabled by everything.
We have both made huge, unimaginable efforts to work it out.
The path is not an easy one to navigate, it can only be entered upon, we have discovered, when guided by a true heart and the most sincere commitment of love. This is how God has strengthened us through faith and graces unimagined down the years of pain. This is how prayer has helped us to overcome interminable suffering and isolation. This is a path full of the light of God- with -us.

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