A song by Greg.
The power of not giving up, in the struggle for truth and justice. "You dared to seek what no one knew and with all your might you're breaking through.."
This blog shares prayers, spiritual reflections and insights. It is immersed in the love of the Holy Trinity, which we call the Heart of Love. The Holyway is a choice to live a spiritual path, blessed by the Heart of Love.
A song by Greg.
The power of not giving up, in the struggle for truth and justice. "You dared to seek what no one knew and with all your might you're breaking through.."
The true meaning of Mathews Gospel 7: 7.
I was asked once about faith and healing, why God had not healed me despite decades of tremendous pain. Some might even wonder if I have knocked and God has ignored me, sought and been denied healing, asked and been refused. ( Matthew 7:7.)
People commonly believe this gospel reading to mean that God is saying ask and I will (always) give you what you ask for and if you do not receive what you specifically asked for, you either have not asked in the right way or you have not got enough faith to believe it is possible. I do not believe that if you do not receive you have not got enough faith.
What Jesus is saying, When he says ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened is ask me and You will receive Me ( I am already here), seek and you shall find Me! Knock and the door will be opened, I am waiting to be received by you! The message is about spiritual growth and the pathway to God Himself.
God has shown me this meaning through contemplation and years of hope, trust and faith. To me it is the true meaning. It does not mean that He gives all you ask for, for we know not what to ask for half the time! He always sees the bigger picture and knows our need, so, truly all we need to ask for is His Will to be done in our lives in any circumstance.
To say to someone you are not well because your faith is not strong enough or big enough is really a misunderstanding of prayer and God.
I believe all things are possible in God's time, when held in the Heart of Love, the love of the awesome Mighty Trinity and yet God may have a different one to the one we hope snd expect. Prayers can be said and prayers can be prayed. I believe that prayer is to know God and be with Him, to Trust him and to connect with His presence, His Light, His Mercy. It is to be open to Love and feel it present with you and to lift others into that Light and truth of Love.
Then miracles happen and joy is complete. You have to look with eyes of spirit to see God working in your life. It is not with the eyes of the world that we know Him and see His power at work in our lives.
May you keep going, when you feel like despairing, when there seems no hope of a clear way forward.
From the book, Unstoppable Spirit - a prayer for Mercy to find us
Let Mercy fill me,
Let Mercy bless me,
Let Mercy cover me,
Let Mercy renew me,
Let Mercy strengthen me,
Let Mercy heal me,
Let Mercy save me,
Let Mercy empower me,
Let Mercy sing in me,
Let Mercy live in me,
Let Mercy shine in me,
Let Mercy grow in me,
Let Mercy enlighten me,
Let Mercy uplift me.
After 30 years, crucified by the system,
stripped of everything except love,
I have learned this:
You must enter profoundly into the heart of suffering.
The Source of All Life.
I read this morning how Christ was stripped of everything- except love and Love Always Forgives. Reflecting upon 30 years of caring for my wife, in a song, last night, I have some idea of the cost.
Thirty years is a long time. We are much older now, we have been discussing recently how we would like to spend the next thirty years: by then we will be quite elderly.
I have some tiny idea of what it is to labour for a long time, yet be crucified by the
Stripped of everything except love; that is the power of the Cross, the source of all
If you want to speak of the Cross with authenticity then you have to have suffered
great pain and injustice.
You have to have felt or been physically, emotionally, mentally broken and
overwhelmed by the weight of your brokenness and the extreme agony intrinsically
born within it.
If you want to know the truth of the Cross and many speak of it without such
knowledge, you must enter profoundly into the heart of suffering and there, beyond
your utterly damaged being, find love.
This is a profound surprise and strength :that in the centre of such destruction on
every level, still you exist in a huge and vast sense beyond the physical boundary of
your body.
You exist and more than this, God is present with you and loves you. His Mercy
knows no bounds. His love is everywhere, huge, vast and unmistakably with you. His
love heals, saves, is. And you cannot stay a victim in this knowledge. You cannot be
powerless, for you are one with Him and this oneness breaks open all untruth,
injustice, wrongness, sin and restores light and goodness and brings profound
healing and hope. Amen
Lord, I call out to you
In my extreme need
Hear me
Save me
Protect me
Heal me
Banish all
That harms me,
In Your most holy Name
Linda Crowhurst October 09
I feel irritated
by the day
by the lack of
and direction
of my life
No way of planning
No way of flowing
through the discordant jarring motion
of every second
Just the need
for infinite flexibility
and whole-hearted tolerance
the tirade of
the absolute paralysis of bodily motion
the complete inactivity and non-event
of most moments
and hoping
for just a flicker
of aliveness
and ability
to shine
the sweet
voice of God
and stilness
leads us
on a
to seek
There must be
than just
torment for
a soul
to survive
It is only in
the pure
that you find
the ever-flowing
wonder of
the living God
with you
always and ever
Lord I do not know how to hope
Please Hope for me
I do not know how to find the right path
Please find it for me
I can no longer find trust
Please help me to trust again
I need answers
Please give them to me
I need a light to guide me
Please shine for me
I need help
Please help me
I need to be healed
Pease heal me
I need so much Lord
Please provide for me.
For the last thirty years or so, severe, chronic illness, ever progressing, burning, throbbing has smashed my wife’s life apart into screaming shards of never ending agony, has torn her apart on every conceivable level. How probable is it then, I ask, that when she cried out in torment, to Jesus, decades ago, to show her how to pray and survive, that Jesus might reveal the Our Father to her in a new and deeper way?
This is something of what she has been shown:
“And I saw in the praying of the prayer of the Our Father, that it was not just my prayer, in that moment, but that it was that prayer, prayed in all moments, adding together and cascading over to reach God’s ear; the sum total of all the times the prayer has ever been prayed, the words spoken, uttered in reverence, proclaimed, beseechingly, genuinely, hopefully, desperately, totally, as if following some sacred Holy Path that leads ever up the mountain to the summit. And each time you pray the prayer of the Our Father, you arrive at that summit of the prayer, which connects you to God, yet each further time you pray that prayer, the pinnacle is higher, closer, larger, somehow even more pure, swathed in beauty, in power, in spiritual richness. Each word a glistening jewel that reaches out from you and sparkles in God’s mind.”
Through unimaginable pain and suffering, it is her contemplation upon the greatest of all prayers, that has sustained her and protected her.
Help me find Your Light
When my own light fails
And my symptoms rage
And the world torments me
Help me keep a place
Of stillness
Within me
That I might find
Your Grace
Upon me
Lent is seen as a time of renunciation, a time of fasting and reflection. For those who live in a perpetual Lent through long term sufferi...