Friday, 21 October 2022

Prayer booklets

 Having lived in a state of severe intractable illness for decades, often feeling like death was near and also knowing too many friends and family members taken from the world, having suffered grievously with various different illnesses, we have always sought solace and strength in prayer.

We have never found anything, though, that had the right words for the situations that we found ourselves in, for it is a very difficult and sometimes too painful topic for many to deal with and each person’s experience and context is different and unique to them.
Finding words that might help people face death, whether it is our own or someone else’s death, can mean so much.
As each person, who we have known personally, has died, Linda has written a prayer or a poem, either to help support them on this last journey or to honour their precious life.
This is the time where the right words, tenderly offered, can give much needed love and support to someone dying or to family and friends left behind.
On Holy Way, you can find a series of small booklets which offer prayers for both healing and dying. Do explore them.

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