Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Video talking about the Heart of Love and the Holyway.


‘The awareness of the Heart of Love came about for me through intense suffering…’

Here is a video , talking about how the Heart of Love and the Holyway came about. Hope it inspires you.

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

 We are proud to share the link to our new page on the Trinity. May all who read it find blessings and upliftment.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022


 “ Silence is the fullness of God! The word is complete within the silence. All creativity exists here. This is where the unuttered becomes known. It is where what is not yet become, is revealed and arises.

If we listen we can hear in the silence for the silence is not empty, as imagined and perhaps even feared. It is a vast fullness of awe and wonder where life itself and all being originates from. And all things are possible. And even things we do not appear to know can be found here, prompted by the spirit, entered into with the heart wide open, for this is how creation becomes. It already exists in invisible realms that we can only feel and know when we step into the silence and place ourselves in a state of waiting and listening.

Here we find the tunes of the angels dancing in our souls and the messages of God: the Word alive and aloud and very very present in the apparent emptiness of life yet to be created. This is the exciting joy of revelation, bringing new things into being, greater than we can think or imagine sometimes. For all creation emanates from this profound silence where all is full and yet to be revealed.

Do not be daunted by the normal, the habits or the seeming emptiness of life: the future can be full of wonderful things, new ideas, new thoughts, new knowledge, new creation and gifts yet to come, especially when we enter into silence and there find God, in all His awesome mystery and splendor, revealing beauty unimaginable and joy unbidden.

Sometimes it is better to rely not just on what we know, on what is familiar, but ask for new ears to hear the fullness of God’s heart and new eyes to see what is possible and new, yet to come, that we can create ourselves, with inspiration and trust, with new hope and love in our own hearts.”

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

May you find Comfort

May you find comfort,  

May you find hope in the Lord.

May you feel His protection always.

May you still feel Him close.

May you know that you are loved, by all the people you have known.

May you feel yourself surrounded by this Love.

May the Lord lift you up now and bless you.

May the Lord bring healing to aid you in your deepest need, 

May the Lord comfort you on every step of your journey towards Him.

May the Lord bring light into all your suffering.

May the Lord bring  peace and truth into any confusion. 

May the Lord be with you and remain close.


Monday, 22 August 2022


 Gratitude is possible, even in the deepest suffering, which must be borne moment to moment. Because the suffering is unfathomable and there is no escape, you need to seek within you and without you for that which is greater than you.

My wife, whose suffering is immense and unfathomable in its depth, says,” To endure suffering you can seek and find God is present and unutterably close. It is through this gift of mercy, of love, of radiance, compassion that I can feel held, loved, prayerful, hopeful and all these are His gifts.

I see Him, I feel Him, I know Him, in the tenderness of love I receive daily, hourly, moment by moment from my husband, who reaches out to me and seeks to pour love into the gap between moments, that I may be sustained and strengthened and not give up hope.

It is this presence of God within and without us and around us that holds us and helps us steer a clear path through suffering and for that gift there are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart.

For His love gives meaning. His love uplifts. His love comforts and consoles and is all things to me.”

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Our Father


A prayer that we and many people learn as children is the Our Father, though the depth of wisdom and understanding we now have, in relation to this prayer, were only received through great personal suffering and personal insight. We have only understood the beauty, the power and the protection of this prayer as adults, through revelation, praying it and entering deeply upon a path of suffering with trust and confidence in the truth of the Word of God and as such we want to more fully share this learning, for it is deep and rich and overarching in its breadth. We pray this prayer often when we pray to the Heart of Love. It is a prayer especially helpful for the beginning and ending of contemplation and before other specific prayers which lead to a deepening of prayer life. It enablesconfidence in the protection of Our Lord. For the more deeply we pray, the more spiritual protection we require.

So as we come to pray this prayer, let us open our hearts to the love and the truth and the beauty therein. Let us not say these words in dullness, out of habit and routine. Let us enter fully with faith and more than this, with knowledge that these words truly will protect us and bring us safe passage, through any circumstance, for they are a promise of  God with us and the life yet to come. Amen

Lord in Your Mercy


Lord in your mercy 

Tenderly heal me. 

Lord fill me with your holy Peace

Not of this world.

Lord bless me

With your healing presence.

Restore me now to full health.

Lord strengthen me

With the Power of Your Spirit.

Ease the burdens that I carry.

Lord comfort me

With Your Tender heart.

Release me from all pain.

Lord console me

With the truth of Your love.

May all Mercy be received.


Saturday, 20 August 2022

The Heart of Love additional videos.

We are delighted to share a new page about the Heart of Love, including praying the Litany if the Heart of Love. There is an audio of the prayer and an explanation. There is also Greg’s Testimony on how it is helping him cope with the loss of our dog. Snd a video talking about how the Heart of Love and the Holy Way came about.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Praying the Litany of the Heart of Love: an audio prayer


Here is the link to join us praying the Litany if the Heart of Love and a brief description of the meaning within each phrase of the prayer.

Put out into the Deep


Put Out into the Deep

Put out into the deep dear friend.

Put out deep and trust in the Lord

Immerse yourself in His Spirit

For you will then travel a new path,

You will find a new way,

Abundant with Love

Guided by Truth

Inspired by His Wisdom,

For, He says,

My Way is always Light.

My way is always True.

My Way is always Love

And above all, My Way is filled with Mercy.

Therefore feel safe as you journey.

Be of good peace in your heart.

Trust in that which is yet to come.

Be filled with compassion for each other.

My Love knows no bounds.

Remember that I am always with you

And thus, you cannot fail to find me.

So put out into the depth of your own heart, dear friend

And Know that I am with you.


Monday, 15 August 2022

We Remember August 8th and pray tor all those we knew who have died with this devastatingly severe disease


We Remember August 8th and pray tor all those we knew who have died with this devastatingly severe disease. Always in our hearts.

We remember them with sadness that they are no longer here with us

We remember them with frustration that they were not helped

We remember them with anger that they are gone

For we remember 

All the hurt

All the denial

All the extremity of pain

All the neglect

All the harm

All the harrowing moments

All the suffering

All the grief

And we weep with gratitude

For their precious lives

For their tremendous personal strength

For their utmost conviction

For their forthrightness in speaking out

For their passion in life

For their compassion to others

In a hostile, empty world.

We remember and give thanks

For who they were

And who they will always be

In our hearts 

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Love is All

 Love Has Held Me Close

What we have been through 

simply cannot be expressed,

So many tortured moments 

lived within,

Lived through,

Barely lived at all,

Heartbreakingly borne witness to,

Can never be completely recaptured on a page.

All I can say is that love has led the way

And love has held me close

Even when touch was impossibly hard to bear.

Love has been the guide

And the victor

In a story too painful to fully recount.

Years of fractured moments

Dissolving self into virtually nothing

Have been held together by the brightest spark of hope,

Held high by my beloved

Till helplessness

And hopelessness

Have simply flown away,

Comforted by a warmth of love that never wanes

Or dissolved away with the countless tears

That washed me clean for just a moment

Long enough to feel the truth

That we are greater than any suffering.

Your love remains a tower of strength 

In the darkest night

And holds me to each tomorrow

With its golden light.


Love is all.

Saturday, 13 August 2022

You Are Gone: a poem

You are gone

Yet not gone

Not here

Yet present


Yet spirit


Yet light

I do not feel

You as gone

I sense your 


I see your


I am comforted

By your



To me

You are more here 

Than not here.

Friday, 12 August 2022

Death’s impact: a poem


Death has a strange impact.

You cannot quite conceive of a future without your beloved.

You struggle to think.

Feelings overwhelm you

Completely unbidden.

You slip inn and out of past memories,

Trying to process that final moment

Which will not leave your mind

Yet keeps you caught in the greatest grief.

Nothing has changed,

Except for the loss,

Yet everything is different.

The energy has an odd feel.

Time seems to slow.

And all you can see is your love,

Everywhere, yet nowhere,

Trying to cling on to them

Yet needing to move on,

For you are still alive

And they have gone to a lighter place

Still near

Yet lost from view.

Thursday, 11 August 2022

 Here is an animated video blessing for all dogs. In loving memory of our beloved Corgi Camy who has been with us through so many pain-filled days and given us love, now sadly gone but still close spiritually.

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Our Dog


Sadly our dear sweet dog died yesterday. Our grief for him is vast. We have only coped through the kind words and prayers of others and a great sense of peace and light has been given to us.

Here is a vidro that shares our gratitude for the prayers of others.

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

The Spirit guides me

The  Spirit guides me. 

I follow. 

I flow. 

I dance, 

I trust. 

I do not know the path 

but the Lord knows the rhythm and guides my feet. 

All is blessed here on this Holy ground I tread upon, 

with His love ever present, 

His Spirit shining for me, 

showing me the way to go.

Monday, 1 August 2022


Lord, always lead us with Your radiant Light

That we might be certain of the road ahead.


May we turn to You Lord, in every moment,

May we turn to You Lord, in every moment, 

Whether joyful or sorrowful,

Angry or fearful.

May we always find you waiting 

And feel safe.


New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...