Saturday, 25 June 2022

The Church

The church was lit

Against the night.

It shone through dark

With radiant light

And filled me 

With a golden glow

And yet a sadness 

Deep within

For I without,

Could not go in.

For illness keeps me

Far apart

Yet God remains

Within my heart.



I have not been able to go to church for over 30

years. That is the heart breaking truth. The physical 

ability to tolerate being in company in this way has 

been stolen from me by severe illness and 

invisible, unimaginable levels of hypersensitivity, not to mention the ever present risk of catching Covid 19.. 

We are surrounded here by churches. It is a place 

of pilgrimage where many gather from around the 

country and the world, there are even healing 

services here, yet we cannot participate.

God has therefore given us a great blessing, for we live simply and truly in His grace, every day, relying on Him, knowing Him better each moment, finding Him close in every circumstance.

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