Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Bless the music


Bless the music

that dances in our minds

And lifts our hearts to heaven 

with each perfect note

Bless each song

Bless each tune

Bless each instrument

Whether masterfully crafted or cleverly improvised

Bless each tap

Bless each strum

Bless each stroke

Bless each drum

That fills our lives with inexplicable joy

Bless the musicians

The song-writers

The creators

Bless each child that hears its call

And feels the heartbeat

Dancing to the tune 

A-thrumming in their soul

Bless each path the music takes you





We bless all moments 

Touched with rhythm



Loud  as thunder

That brightens up the dullest day

Or comforts those who mourn

Inspiring beauty in the hearer

Never felt or heard before

Bless the gift that music brings us

Piercing through the deepest pain

Bringing tears of grief or joy and laughter

Blessing all we feel each day





Bless each note that comes our way

A blessing straight from God 

They say

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

The Our Father

 A prayer that we and many people learn as children is the Our Father, though the depth of wisdom and understanding I now have, in relation to this prayer, were only received through great personal suffering and personal insight. I have only understood the beauty, the power and the protection of this prayer as an adult through revelation, praying it and entering deeply upon a path of suffering with trust and confidence in the truth of the Word of God. As such I want to more fully share this learning, for it is deep and rich and overarching in its breadth. My husband and I pray this prayer often. I pray it slowly in the depth of pain. It is also a prayer especially helpful for the beginning and ending of contemplation and before other specific prayers which lead to a deepening of prayer life and assure us of God’s protection in all matters we pray for. It enables total confidence in the protection of Our Lord. For the more deeply we pray, the more spiritual protection we require.

So as we come to pray this prayer, let us open our hearts to the love and the truth and the beauty therein. Let us not say these words in dullness, out of habit and routine. Let us enter fully with faith and more than this, with knowledge that these words truly will protect us and bring us safe passage, through any circumstance, for they are a promise of  God with us and the life yet to come. Amen

Monday, 27 June 2022

When peace is lost; a prayer


When my peace is lost

And my spirit attacked

Lord give me the strength

To hood on to You

Till I feel safe

And peace is once more restored.


Saturday, 25 June 2022

The Church

The church was lit

Against the night.

It shone through dark

With radiant light

And filled me 

With a golden glow

And yet a sadness 

Deep within

For I without,

Could not go in.

For illness keeps me

Far apart

Yet God remains

Within my heart.



I have not been able to go to church for over 30

years. That is the heart breaking truth. The physical 

ability to tolerate being in company in this way has 

been stolen from me by severe illness and 

invisible, unimaginable levels of hypersensitivity, not to mention the ever present risk of catching Covid 19.. 

We are surrounded here by churches. It is a place 

of pilgrimage where many gather from around the 

country and the world, there are even healing 

services here, yet we cannot participate.

God has therefore given us a great blessing, for we live simply and truly in His grace, every day, relying on Him, knowing Him better each moment, finding Him close in every circumstance.

Friday, 24 June 2022

A prayer for indescribable pain


When pain is indescribable Lord,
Hold me
When agony burns so deep there are no
words left to describe it
Console me
When endless pain is in every part of my
Be with me in power
Hold my hand and Help me Lord.
Give me the strength I need to bear the
Give me hope that it will truly diminish.
Give me trust in your power to banish it.
Give me faith that it will lessen.
Give me confidence that you are with me
through every moment.
Give me love in my whole being, to heal me.
For all things are possible with you Lord.
Give me the peace beyond all suffering, to
help me cope,
May the suffering lift and leave me now.

Thursday, 23 June 2022

The Stars are not afraid


The Stars are not afraid

When I am overwhelmed 

and incapacitated by fear

I focus on all that is good, 

all that is safe, 

all that is true right now.

I see the beauty of nature 

surrounding me,

as Spring unfurls.

Whether I am outside or trapped indoors,

I think of the trees.

They stand glowing,

As buds burst into new life,

A promise of blossom

then an abundance of fruit to come.

They tell me, they are not afraid.

Spring is coming in.

Nothing can stop the slow, steady progress

Of their growth toward the light.

When I feel fear staring me in the face,

Blocking my senses,

Tearing at my mind,

Whispering unhelpful possibilities,

I look up and out upon the stars.

I tell myself

that they are not afraid

of falling from the sky.

Their light still shines

From a billion light years away

To reach me in the gathering gloom.

When I feel fear grasping at my heart,

I look to you 

and see you

Standing before me,

Arms open wide

Loving me,

Caring for me,

Affirming me,

Helping me stay strong.

Against all fear

We stand together.

Monday, 20 June 2022

Immerse ourselves in the Holy Trinity


When we call upon the Spirit and immerse ourselves in the Holy Trinity, we find that God is always present, always accessible and cares for us in absolute abundance. 

His presence is real, alive, with us!

If we immerse ourselves in prayer, we can discover that there are so many ways to pray, that we can always be prayerful and feel linked, connected, one, with God, no matter what we are doing.

When our need is absolute His response is total. He never abandons us, though we may not always feel Him,  if our suffering is intense, yet still we can trust, as we learn more about the Trinity and the Heart of Love that blesses the Universe, that God is truly with us and never leaves us .

The Spirit enlightens, blesses, strengthens, heals, helps, lifts and guides us, bringing us messages of hope, truth and strength. What more can we ever need?

Burn in me with a passion to know God


Come Holy Spirit

Burn in me with a Passion to know God totally

The more we come to know God, the more we want to learn and know, to immerse ourselves in the wonder of knowing God. 

When you come to know the Father, you find yourself also coming to know the Son. When you know the Father and the Son, you cannot be unaware of the infinite wonder of the Holy Spirit, for all Three are One. 

The Oneness, is whole and complete, the purity of Love between the Three is perfectly expressed, harmonious, total. 

As you come to learn about Oneness, so you discover that incredibly, we too are held in that oneness through Christs Passion, Resurrection and Ascension. This is such a humbling, stunning insight that it must surely take a life time to even begin to process its meaning and live more fully in that awareness.

When you come to this realisation you can then chose to embark on an even closer relationship with God. We call this living in the Heart of Love, journeying on the Holyway.

Come Holy Spirit,

In every moment be with me.

Come Holy Spirit, come


Saturday, 18 June 2022

Make me whole


Come Holy Spirit, come

Come Holy Spirit,

Touch me with your essence, make me whole and complete

The Holy Spirit brings Love and Spiritual energy to bless us in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in and empowers us. 

We are filled with Light as we pray and strengthened in the Spirit, so that we can see more clearly what is needed. 

We can feel new spiritual energy pouring in to us when the Spirit comes, making us feel whole and complete. 

New things are possible. New vision opens up. Healing and renewal flows with the Spirit. 

We are lifted into the Heart of Love and our prayer life becomes truly alive with the presence of God. We feel closer, we feel uplifted, we feel restored. 

We can feel confident in God’s Love and Mercy, for He is with us and His help is available to us. 

Let us then open our hearts and minds, then, to receive and trust the Holy Spirit, from whom all goodness abounds. Let us rejoice in such an awesome, wonderful presence in the world. 

Let us continue to ask for the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit brings and use them in service, empathy, kindness and love, for those in need of sustenance. Amen.

Friday, 17 June 2022

Bless me with your ever-giving presence

 Come Holy Spirit, 

Bless me with your ever-giving presence

The Holy Spirit is an ever-flowing, ever-loving, ever giving-presence. It is the nature of the Holy Spirit to bring messages of Truth to enlighten and give Wisdom to the people, to bring gifts of healing as well as gifts of spiritual Discernment. 

The Holy Spirit gives them freely. There is no transaction or game of control bring played out here. This is unconditional loving, free flowing provision. 

All we need do is ask, open our hearts and minds, pray and accept.

Intercede for me

 Come Holy Spirit, 

Intercede for me, knowing my every need intimately

When we call upon the Spirit, the Spirit is with us. The Spirit is Knowledge, Wisdom, Truth, shines Love and Mercy wherever the Spirit flows. The Spirit knows our every need, can discern clearly, can see everything, even when we cannot. 

The Spirit knows how to pray. There is no separation from the Father and the Son, for they are all One. This is the meaning of the Trinity and ultimately they are the Heart of Love - the combined Love of all Three, flowing, infinitely, together forever, holding us all.

So when we are in great need, when we have no words to express either that need or our pain, the Spirit sees us, feels our distress, speaks on our behalf, prays directly for us, intercedes for us. And thus we can be comforted and know with certainty that the Spirit will fly to our side whatever circumstance we find ourselves in and hold us in prayer, Amen.

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Pray with me

Come Holy Spirit, come

Come Holy Spirit,

Pray with me, pray in me, pray through me, pray for me.

The Holy Spirit is the power house of prayer. Calling on the Spirit brings a surge of energy, light and strength to us as we pray. You can feel the Spirit is here with you. There is a change of energy and awareness. There is an ever present glow and flow of dynamic love. 

Prayer is not passive or one-sided, mediocre or ineffective. It is alive in the Spirit. The Spirit prompts us and guides us to know how to pray and what to pray. When we are too weak or in need of consolation and strength, the Spirit prays for us directly. So we can always rely on the Spirit to meet our need and help us, at all times, in our prayer life. This is an incredible gift. It must surely embolden us.

And so we say in absolute confidence and trust, come Holy Spirit come and pray, now! Amen!

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Help me speak wisely


Come Holy Spirit, 

Let me speak wisely

The Holy Spirit represents Wisdom - gives us this essential gift. Great wisdom is needed to walk a path of light and goodness through your life.

Wisdom requires us not to react hastily, judge wrongly or answer foolishly, it guides us in seeing truth and balancing decision making. It leads us on a safe path, lifted by the energy of the Spirit, which is Love.

Let us ask for this gift in abundance then, for it shines the clearest light on complex circumstances and difficult choices. It whispers in your heart and brings a feeling of rightness and fairness. 

You know when a decision is wise for you can sense it is so. It uplifts, sustains, blesses, invigorates, gives confidence on your spiritual journey.

Monday, 13 June 2022

Help me see clearly

Come Holy Spirit, 

Help me see clearly

At times of loss, limitation, change, doubt and confusion, it is easy to get caught up in fear; to see the worst scenarios playing out; to not feel at all safe. It is then that we must surely call upon the Spirit and immerse ourselves in the Love of the Holy Trinity. 

Did Jesus not use the phrase, ‘Be not afraid’ more times than any other phrase? Let us find comfort in that, for fear, though it may be based on realistic outcome, can also incapacitate and twist things, stealing hope away. 

When the Spirit comes we can feel the energy of love with us, surrounding us, strengthening us, guiding us. When we feel lost and confused, in need of light and clarity, let us ask with confidence for clear vision, for the Spirit will help us. 

We need but ask in trust and faith. Oh how much we need to set a clear safe path, through these complicated turbulent times, where fear can so easily unhinge us all.

Bring miracles of healing


Come Holy Spirit 

Bring miracles of healing with You

We trust in the power and possibility of miracles that manifest through the great and total love of the Awesome Mighty Trinity. Miracles is also acknowledged as a specific gift of the Holy Spirit. So let us always be emboldened by the Spirit. 

We never know how our prayers will be answered, yet we pray in trust and confidence, asking for miracles to abound, especially in times of great difficulty, like the whole world is facing now, when fear would have us feeling totally lost and helpless. Let us cling on to the mystery of ‘God with us’ and ask the Spirit to pour out miracles in miracles that we may remain strong in faith and confident in the proactive Love of the Trinity. Let love pour out from each and everyone. 

May communities and individuals in need, all find healing and hope. Amen

Come Holy Spirit, come

Come Holy Spirit,

May your Spirit flow freely within me

When the Spirit comes to our call, we need to open to the flow of love that pours in to us and allow ourselves to follow where the Spirit leads. The Spirit is not blocked, then, from fully working within us, empowering us, blessing us, leading us on, showering us with gifts to use in the service of the Trinity.

As the Spirit flows freely, we cannot say exactly where the path will lead: so we must grow in confidence, trust and awareness of God with us. We must learn how to best use the gifts the Spirit brings,so that we will bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God. 

So let us call with certainty upon the Holy Spirit, that our faith journey might be inspired by the presence and ever-flowing love that the Spirit brings.

Sunday, 12 June 2022

Shield and Protect me

Come Holy Spirit 

Shield and Protect me from harm

The Spirit is pure Love in Action; a real Power in the world. How can the Spirit protect us? The Spirit brings gifts that aid us, so that we can act wisely, discern truly, to help us make right decisions. The Spirit is the Messenger of God. Let us listen for the messages the Spirit brings that will help keep us safe as we walk a Holy path with God. 

The Spirit brings healing on multiple levels; healing of mind, healing of body, healing of emotion, healing of spirit. And when the way ahead feels impossible, when hope is waining, the Spirit brings miracles unexpected, that can save us. The energy of Love, uplifts us, carries us forward and energises us, empowers us with confidence. 

Praying in the Power of the Spirit, comforts, strengthens, renews and brings spiritual protection, especially when we pray the Our Father, the prayer of the Son to the Father, reflecting His own greatest need for protection for the path ahead: His Passion and death, which leads on to renewal, Resurrection and Life eternal. 

Therefore let us not be afraid, for when we look with fear, we cannot see clearly the wonder and power of Love that transfigures and transforms everything, bringing new Light, new Hope, New Possibility, where none seemed possible or likely.

We banish all fear and ask for the Blessings the Spirit brings, to uplift and transform our lives, this day and keep us safe from harm. Amen

Friday, 10 June 2022

Help me speak truly and fairly


Come Holy Spirit, come

Come Holy Spirit 

Help me speak truly and fairly

Fairness is at the centre of right relationship. Having the honesty and integrity to make fair judgement can be aided by the wisdom and knowledge that the Holy Spirit brings. 

Even if you feel cross, judgmental, hurt, blaming, with the power of the Spirit and a strong moral principle of fairness and truth in the centre of your being, you can avoid rash comments, punitive or hostile reactions, negative interactions. 

You can proactively flow with the Spirit. Fairness feels good and right. It makes sense, when you step back from a situation and work to discern the right response. So we say, ‘ Come Holy Spirit, help me walk a path of light with fairness influencing all my decisions.

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Guide me on a path of Light

Come Holy Spirit,

Lead me and guide me on a path of Light

The Light of God shines within us. It blesses, reveals, strengthens, illuminates knowledge and the path to take. It brings comfort, hope and joy. The Spirit burns bright in us and helps us feel, see know and trust the truth of the light within, that shines as a result of the Spirit of God with us. 

That Light, so spiritually bright, radiates out beyond us and helps us find safe passage through the storms of life, shining a light too that others might see more clearly. The Light of God is an inner light. It is recognised with spiritual awareness, so let us call upon the Spirit and ask that we perceive this Light that will help lead us on to safe ground. Amen


Shower me with Your gifts

Come, Holy Spirit, 

Shower me with Your gifts today

The gifts of the Spirit are specific and awesome in nature. If you have been given a gift to use, may you be inspired with confidence and allow the Spirit to work through you. They are gifts that enhance the spiritual life and bless the community. 

How can you know if a gift is truly of the Spirit? It can be discerned by its feel. Or as Saint Ignatius might say, how it tastes. As the Bible says, by their fruit shall you know them. Each gift has a special purpose, whether that is the gift of Healing or the gift of Discernment, the gift of Tongues and the interpretation of them or the gift of Miracles. Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith; all are important and essential to the coming of the Kingdom.

Let us then be emboldened by the Spirit as we pray and wisely use our own special gift from God. 

Give me a thirst for justice and righteousness

Come Holy Spirit, come

Come Holy Spirit,

Give me a Thirst for Justice and Righteousness,

As we are filled with the Spirit we are inspired to seek and find truth and righteousness in any situation. We long for right justice for all inequality and corporate, institutional and personal harm. 

We find confidence in speaking out, we are inspired to take a proactive stance in righting wrong. We are energised by the Spirit of Love and Mercy to seek not vengeance, but justice.

We know the truth in our hearts. Our minds are illuminated with Wisdom. We are guided by the Spirit. We pray for discernment. We hope for a better future for all, based on integrity, goodness and with loving kindness and clarity at the centre. 

New peace prayer

  You are my God Give me your peace Give me your peace And save the world. And save me now. Your peace is mine Your peace is mine Despite th...