Monday, 18 April 2022

The Eucharist

The Eucharist is the Christ, purely and simply, His presence with us. It is a mystery of faith, yet the truth can be felt in the presence experienced, when receiving this most holy and precious communion. It is beauty, grace, awesome, tender, vast, blessed, pure, radiant spirit filled essence of love, touching your whole being and lifting you forever into the oneness of the mighty Trinity, so that there is no separation possible between yourself and God, for you are infinitely and intimately bound by love.

Even if you only receive the Eucharist once, this truth cannot be undone, for nothing can separate us from the Love of God, humbly given, in the simplicity and divine mystery of the Eucharist: God utterly with us for evermore.

Not every one has the blessing of receiving this gift. Yet, if you have received this blessing, the strength, the love, the tenderness, the mercy and the power are with you always and freely accessible should you seek it.

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