Sunday, 10 April 2022

Day 16 individual prayer request

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

Surround us with Your love.

Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity

.......individual prayer request..........

‘ …..let another minister to your need. ’

Praying for another is a sacred gift. It lifts both you and the person you pray for closer in the Heart of Love. It is indeed a wonderful thing to pray for another, for both are blessed by the radiance of light which touches, heals, comforts, strengthens, renews, brings hope out of despair. 

Sometimes we cannot pray for ourselves. Then, graciously accept the gift of prayer from another. Sometimes we do not know what to ask for or we simply have run out of what to say. Then, let another minister to your need. Sometimes it is enough to pray once with absolute certainty and trust. Other times repeated prayer can help to remind us of God's presence with us and His love for us and help us to focus above the situation we find ourselves in.

Of this you can be certain, when you are held in prayer, energy shifts higher, there is hope of new possibility, there is comfort, there is blessing, there is love. Answered prayer does not always take the shape we ask for or necessarily thought of, for God has a higher perspective. He sees clearly. He knows truly. He is all wisdom and all mercy. He is absolute Love.

And let us remember and trust, that with love can come miracles. Amen

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